The Republican nominee’s race-based nationalism, his anti-Semitic innuendos, his position on Israel and his attacks on Muslims and immigrants are all deeply offensive. But that’s not what’s panicking most U.S. Jews.
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Jews don’t give a rat’s ass about America. They only care about their “israel” and themselves and no one else. The rest of we earthlings, as far as Jews are concerned, were put here for the soul benefit of Jews in what ever shape or form they choose to use us in regards to that benefit. The above article was written by a zionist Jew and as all articles written by zionist Jews, it makes me want to barf.
Not that I’m a fan of Trump. I’m not. Not after he made clear how he feels about Muslims. I’m no fan of Hilary either. There simply is no one what so ever to vote for this time around. Its a hopeless situation. The dead leading the dead. But the worst part of this nightmare is not even racist Trump and zionist puppet Hilary. Its that there are so many of my own fellow Americans that I see clearly have not learned a single thing in all these years. Its as if they even got more stupid.
If Trump is a white nationalist as you say, what is that SC Justice? Ginsbergsky is a Zionist Jew like you! A disgrace but you are all a disgrace.
These folks must be having conniptions now that Dr. Duke has waded into the fray.
This piece just supports what we have been saying all along… they hate him no matter what and see Trump under a flag with a swastika in their paranoid lil brains.
Holocaust’s a’comin’, folks….
George Soros. Barbara Lerner Spectre. Peter Sutherland. look how The Jews ruin Europe. we won’t let it happen here.
The author uses the term “American” Jew. Sorry, but there is no such thing.
Here’s the paradox of Trump. First go back and read the 1994 best seller “The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P Huntington. I mean it. Do it! 20 years later and much he forecast is pretty evident today. It is a clinical analysis that shows the world is split not into countries but into “civilizations”. And that these are founded in rigid cultural backgorunds, basically religions. He predicted that violence flares at the “fault lines” (boundaries) between these cilvilzations. He described almost accurately the recent problems in Iraq, Afghanestan, Libya, Syria, Palestine , et al. All Moslem countries.
Millions of Moslems reject violence. But millions of Moslems have no time for “countries” : they increasingly see themselves as a single “caliphate” rooted in Sharia Law written in the Dark Ages, even before Mediaeval times. And arrogate to themselves the duty to inflict this by war (“jihad”) on everyone else. The peaceful Moslems don’t feel inclined to do much about the jihadists — not until the jihadists pick on THEM. This has allowed ISIS to grow and thrive. And the 5th column of European “home grown” dissidents to spring up within apparently non-dissident families.
Western values of freedom of thought and speech leave us open to attack, but are anathema to these jihadists, and not too well respected by many even “moderate” Moslems. They prefer to sit on the fence and have the best of both worlds.
On the other hand, each of us citizens of supposedly “free” “democracies” in the West bears a little piece of our joint culpability for the actions of those we have elected. Those who , eg, invaded Iraq when polls showed 70% of citizens in UK were against it, while their “representatives” in Parliament voted FOR invasion under the shadow of an arch mass murderer, who retired to become the “honest broker” in the Palestine-Israel “fault line” between civilizations. LOL. Greedy selfish rich financial elites numbering a tiny fraction of us as a whole pillage everyone on Earth they can, including Western “ordinary people”, to enrich themselves to the loss of all people outside their cliques. And they do it in our name. They turn “otherness” between civiizations into violence among the mass of world ordinary people. And reap riches from the war they create. They feed the risk of escalating war. If We The Sheeple don’t restrain “our lot”, they will dampen the flames flaring up between Moslems and just about every other civilzation by dousing petrol on them.
Equally, if Moslems don’t want a Third World War, they must not just pathetically “condemn” their jihadists ; they must take a hard line and throw them out of peace-loving society. Their and our lives, yours and mine, may depend on both sides “getting a grip” on their rich war mongering minority.
When this doesn’t happen, people on both sides TAKE sides, support the violence, and war results.
Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, Churchill, the Kaiser, Tojo of Imperial Japan, are modern examples of the violent leaders whom ordinary people feel driven to support in order to protect themselves. They killed tens of millions. They don’t care. They are psychopaths. Like killer whales they bite and kill because “that’s what killer whales do”.
So now we have Trump. Like Hitler’s his rhetoric is appealing to many who are simply fed up with the way they see their Establishment doing things. Compare his rise to power with that of Hitler. Promises, which he may well fulfill, followed by uncontrollable megalomania. He may be the single person most likely to trigger World War Three.
We are heading for the Clash of Civilizations. Again.
And who is to blame ? WE ARE. “We have seen the enemy, and he is us.” We continue to elect self-seekers who are picked by unelected Party members. Hillary doesn’t represent the opposite. Like Cameron and Merkel and Obama, she IS the Establishment. Brexit is the minor earthquake under one volcano that may presage eruption. And one can trigger others. And others.
Can we control it ? It’s up to US ! Stop voting selfishly and short-sightedly : find who is decent and vote there. Otherwise every civilization : Catholic, Orthodox, Moslem, Buddhist, Confucian, will soon get a Donald Trump. And deserve him.
For Pete’s sake. W’ve been here before.
The enemy of my enemy is likely my friend.
Stansfield is a lier, a vicious sayanim. Shame in you deceptive vampire. All yids are liers. Trump for America and the world. Damn parasites
Rabbi, you are damn right… Those republican Jews will vote Demo, and God willing Trump still wins and you make Aliyah back to our best friend lstilen land. Adios MF, you and your kind don’t care about this country. Just what you can steal for Israel.