ed note–very good points he makes here. Remember, the famed ‘Neocons’ were formerly hardcore Marxists but who changed suits once it became obvious that the best way to push forward the Marxist Zionist agenda was by getting cozy with the Republicans.
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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neocons have always been jew, jew, jew
anything else irrelevant
The Democrat and Republican parties are different fangs of the same viper.
We The People lose.
Women can be every bit as psychotic and aggressive as men and maybe even more so because being somen they can hide under the cloak of a weak female.
DINO/ RINO, cancer/AIDS, left/right, Trump/Clinton: we will have more war and maybe WW3. BTW: they are all in support of jew land