Ed-note (Sabba) – “Christian Taliban? Ukraine nationalist craves jihad against Russia”

The title is misleading. It should have been the Christian zionists instead of Taliban craving Milkhemet Mitzvah against Christian Russians. But then again, the term Christian zionist is an oxymoron. If we are Christians, as followers of Jesus, recognizing him as THE Messiah, we can not be zionists. And so we ask: are these really Christians or are they rather wolves in sheep’s clothing?

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  1. Exactly WHO is financing those units? Jewish oligarchs? The RT article does not go there. They never go there.

  2. The Jews have long infiltrated organized Christianity,and turned it into a madhouse,for Yahweh, and turned it away from the love,and mercy if Christ. The Jews love to fund Fundamentalism,wheather,it be Christian,or Muslim. Like Ostmann wrote,RT,refuses to ever identify Jews,preferring to hide behind the absolutely disingenuis lines,’Nazi’,or ‘Fascist’. They gain no traction,from these lies,just as misguided Arab peoples who use ,’Zio-Nazi’. IIt is the International Jews behind all of this,and nobody else!

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