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One thought on “The US Risks Missing Out on the Eurasian Miracle”
  1. “Russia is drifting away from a Eurocentric cultural and economic course toward a Eurasian alternative. And the United States – at least under President Barack Obama – has retreated into a kind of semi-isolation, leaving behind troubling zones of instability and unresolved crises.

    So what will happen next? With both Western and Eastern Europe beset by political conflict and economic stagnation, the five centuries of European global dominance are drawing to an end”

    This might happen and if it does, I put most of the blame on Germany. Germany is an American satellite. It’s foreign policy is directly against Germany’s (and Europe’s) best interests. Germany’s and Russia’s best interests are in close relations and if Germany expressed an interest in good relations with Russia, I believe Russia would jump at that possibility. And when you consider that ever since the end of WW II, everything was done to tie France and Germany close economically so that a war between the two countries would be unlikely, why does Germany do the opposite with Russia and badmouth and criticize them. Just as with the so called refugee crisis, Germany and Europe pursue suicidal policies.

    It is mind boggling just how mentally ill the German people are. They went from being one of the most nationalistic countries in the world to being a country determined to destroy the German race and ethnicity thru genocide, because according to these mental patients, not doing so would be racist.

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