HAARETZ – Students who want to take part in delegations going abroad are obliged to take an online government course which some parents and teachers say has a “blatant political agenda.” The course consists of film clips in which several speakers address the students and coach them about the messages they should express overseas.
Arab students are also required to take the course.
“The messages are simple and repetitive,” a mother of an 11th grade student from the central region says. “All the Arabs hate us, in fact almost the entire world hates us.”
They have even not the intention to make the “WHY”-question. That will be their device of self-destruction. Stupid arrogance with a complete lack of empathy. We, we, we, we are the eternal and only victims1theu are bragging around. Some 700 millionn victims they made among all worlds Goy the last 5 centuries alone. No they make whole humanity victim as well. We must stop this . Will the be victim, okay but leave us the goy out of this equation..As a fullgrown parasite they realize the need for Goyim. They can’t keep their trousers up alone, they need 24/7 slaves to keep them alive. Let us stop to be slaves and withhold them our prosperity and they soon get starved forever.
The jews are a hopeless tribe, lost in 100 fathoms of Judaic Bull Shit. Yes, the whole world hates you; and you pretend to wonder why? I though you were much smarter than that. Or are you just going by your lies and off-the-chart HYPOCRISY?? Scum bags!
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This is a very interesting report, showing clearly that an institutionalized psychosis is prevalent in all of Israeli Jewish society, that all the rest of the world is automatically assumed to hate the Israeli Jews.
It is very frightening to think that the politicians of the world do the very opposite of hating the Israeli Jews, and still get accused of hating them. After all, what does an 80% membership of MP’s in both leading British political parties in ‘Friends of Israel societies’ mean? That the Jews see this as an example of hatred means their heads are completely shot through inbreeding and a heavily toxic belief system, they are clearly psychotic, and extremely dangerous, armed with thermonuclear weapons which they most definitely should never have, not even in a month of Sundays.
Those politicians even suck up to these malevolent, paranoid, blood-sucking, hate-filled nutters in any way they can, giving them all our resources, and then those half-wit ingrates crap all over the nations that give them those resources, calling them all anti-semitic, the Israeli Jews and Jews elsewhere are very much the same, and seriously need removing from our societies and putting somewhere else for reasons of our own safety and continued existence, and their illegal undeclared Samson Option nukes badly need to be taken away from them before they go completely berserk and press the button during a time of more extreme paranoid hysteria.
Because it is clearly the case that our Gentile peoples really are all assumed to hate the Israeli Jews, and these Jews very clearly do treat us like we do hate them, then indeed, let all trade agreements, military and financial aid, and all military pacts be entirely denied to them, and the parasites can see how long they remain in Israel after that, not very long at all.
Is it not just that victimization record that the Jews claim all the time? Only now they get their young to internalize it even deeper.
I am so tired of their eternal cries, their egocentricity, everything about them. If I had no conscience, I would just hide from them as best I could, but that type of reaction just does not suit my relatively ethical nature/mindset.
We have seen how they whip up the emotions of young Jews who are being taken on Hollowco$t conditioning tours. We know they have no problems inducing terror and paranoia in these young folks. So why should this surprise us at all?
“Many of the lessons play on students’ fears and prejudices and intensify them”. I cannot find it now but I remember one video of young teens on such a trip to Germany in which they encountered a group of older German men who politely asked them something totally welcoming. But not in Yiddish so the teens did not understand they were being asked if they were enjoying their trip to Germany. They immediately got all paranoid, flipped out and sent messages to all and sundry that these “German Nazis’ had been threatening them. They had NO IDEA what the men were being said, but they were so traumatized that.. that was their interpretation ~ these very paranoid folks.
So … remember most of these trips are to the camps or whatever they might be. Hollowco$t Conditioning 101…. they are primed to emotional breaking point WELL before they even graduate kindergarten let alone highschool. Marxist indoctrination is a powerful tool.