4 thoughts on “There is no real 'Patriot movement' in the United States”
  1. The Jewish ‘gang war’ has created our own gang war. ‘Powers that be’ are working behind the scenes. Trump has only 3 and a half years left. I have said from the get-go, that Trump or Hillary would only last 1 term and NOT win re-election. I’m sure they are planning for the future, no matter who the next President is………………

  2. Tony’s points are well taken, but I slightly disagree with some of the terminology.
    A ‘gang war’ presupposes that 2 groups dedicated to the same purpose are vying for control over the same territory. Rather, what we see taking going on within ‘the movement’ is one side trying to keep the math straight and the narrative sane and the other–for reasons related to its own boredom or other mental/psychological peculiarities–not giving a rat’s ass about ‘the truth’ but rather about what happens to tickle their fancy at whatever given moment.

  3. Every Patriot group fails due to infiltration, some from the very leaders who state groups…your food storage–fear mongering all come from Patriots–LDS-Christian-Zionist-US Jews own and run all of this, they did the Y2K-and other Expos making money on fear. I believe there are good people amid these groups like Oath Keepers but, their focus is end time war-they support Israel-they will round up non compiling people in your towns LDS like Sheriff Mack do not ID as gentiles. It is truly sad—-

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