I stumbled across this old cartoon somewhere here in FB. Maybe someone sent it to me, I do not remember. It offended me on so many levels I don’t know where to begin. This is not so much an article as just my response to the poster of the image and just expanded to what you read here, a non-professional observation.

I grew up in a very traditional Roman Catholic (French Canadian/Irish) home and went to private RC schools; my father was a product of his generation ~ fine with anyone of any race just so long as there was no breeding going on.

I certainly do not remember the hateful teachings this image represents. If this is not doctored, and I doubt it is, of course it is shameful and extremely offensive to all concerned. I remember as a child having to bobby-pin a Kleenex to my head if I did not have a head covering for Church; uncovered hair was an offense to God, or so we were taught. But we were not taught this religious hatred that I remember.

Remember, there was a coup going on in the Catholic Church at that time, destruction of the Jews’ greatest traditional enemy. The Vatican was being turned into another weaponized tool of the Jew World Order (ooops, New World Order) back then and such thoughts were being slipped into the educational system. It would be good to know the original source, but that is not possible since it is just a single panel of a full comic.

I say that, employed as it is here, this “cartoon” is morphed into more  Islamophobic crap. Rather than use the head covering of nuns as a matter of DIFFERENCE between females of both Abrahamic religions; we should remember that in BOTH religions the head covering represents purity and dedication to God/Allah. This, in both cases, is in stark opposition to the push to nudity from the ruling Talmudic elite.


You do not laugh when a Christian or Catholic wears the cloth, so why the Muslim? Catholicism is the main force that kept the Talmudics down for millennia, and now the Talmudics who are currently calling the shots and taking aim at both Christians and the Muslims ~ to destroy BOTH.

A head covering on a Muslim is a political statement but it is not when on a Christian nun’s head.”  ~ Riem Spielhaus, Humbolt University


And then consider cui bono at this sort of humour. Yes, humour is very serious business.

Please see: Why the Jews and the NWO Hate and Fear the Hijab

5 thoughts on “Think About What You Laugh At”
  1. I suspect that the source of this cartoon are the usual suspects who are hell-bent on creating hostility between Christians and Muslims.

  2. Besides; a traditional nun, such as the one pictured, would be unlikely to use the language of liberals with words such as ‘progressive’.

  3. There is nothing remotely Islamophobic about this cartoon. It is an exercise in irony. The nun is wearing an all-covering gown and head covering, yet condemns hijab and burka as backward. This is a cartoon against hypocrisy, self-blindness and religious bigotry, especially on the part of the religious.

  4. Paul Shelton: the point is that it fails because no nun would think or speak that way. To be considered “irony” it would have to contain more than a grain of truth; which it doesn’t. It is a secular liberal’s or Jews prejudiced and false view of Christians

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