It is really strange all of this is coming back to Yemen now!
During the “Egyptian Spring” now over two years ago. There were real protests going on there! Where even Saudi Arabia sent tanks in to break up the crowd!
That the US along with Middle Eastern News outlets never if rarely covered it!
Even a major TV anchor quit Al Jazzeera for the lack of coverage on the event!
Now all the sudden Al Quida has a strong arm in Yemen now! That has conducted a terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo!
Which would make any release of those Yemeni Prisoners politically unpopular by those “News Bastions Of Far And Balanced Reporting at Fox!”
Why do I get the feeling that another false flag theater of war is being set up! If not now. Then in the near future.
We’re all in Guantanamo, the only difference is the breadth of the fence.
May Allah release the brethren from all these sites not just Guantanamo.
Excellent site on our caged prisoners:
Moazzam Begg on his time at Guantanamo – part one (Al Jazeera)
off topic:
Excellent interview on extremism:
rt crosstalk
Reblogged this on Oorlog Is Een Misdaad.
“Defend freedom”! They mean tirrany.
It is really strange all of this is coming back to Yemen now!
During the “Egyptian Spring” now over two years ago. There were real protests going on there! Where even Saudi Arabia sent tanks in to break up the crowd!
That the US along with Middle Eastern News outlets never if rarely covered it!
Even a major TV anchor quit Al Jazzeera for the lack of coverage on the event!
Now all the sudden Al Quida has a strong arm in Yemen now! That has conducted a terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo!
Which would make any release of those Yemeni Prisoners politically unpopular by those “News Bastions Of Far And Balanced Reporting at Fox!”
Why do I get the feeling that another false flag theater of war is being set up! If not now. Then in the near future.
Could a War be waged just to justify Guantanamo?