ed note–again, no one should underestimate the importance of this latest development and particularly given its timing–a mere month before midterm elections are scheduled to take place which hold in the balance the big ‘Mazel Tov’ that certain interested parties are salivating to see take place–Impeachment of a war-reluctant president and his replacement with a marinated-to-the-marrow Christian Zionist VP who can be counted on to pick up on things where they left off shortly before GWB left office.
Exactly what it is that DJT POTUS and his team are anticipating is unclear at this time, but clearly the timing of all of this more than suggests that it is related to the upcoming elections where he believes he will need to possess the power to speak to the American people directly without all the filters, noise, and disinformation that accompany any and all programming emanating from the JMSM.
The article states, “The system cannot be used by law for any purpose other than “to transmit a message that does NOT relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.”
Those who lodged the complaint are quoted as stating, “Without more specific definitions … officials — including President Trump — are free to define ‘act of terrorism’ and ‘threat to public safety’ as they see fit, potentially broadcasting arbitrary, biased, irrational and/or content-based messages to hundreds of millions of people”.
Trump is NOT “free to define” ‘act of terrorism’ and ‘threat to public safety’ wherein he might “potentially broadcast arbitrary, biased, irrational and/or content-based messages to hundreds of millions of people” which, by the way, is precisely what the JMSM already does 24/7 and 365 days per year.
18 U.S. Code Part I – CRIMES
18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B – TERRORISM
18 U.S. Code § 2331 – Definitions
Yeees, the only problemo I can see with the presidential ‘National Wireless Emergency Alert System’ is that is handled at arms length by FEMA … the ‘Federal Emergency Management Agency’ … set up in the wake of the IXXI ‘attacks’…
“The alerts are issued by the president, or someone designated by them, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which sends out the actual alert…”
Again, the ‘Agency’ is about as ‘federal’ as the ‘Federal Reserve’ which in turn is about as federal as ‘Federal Express’. And is, of course, the cornerstone of Maso-Jeweisch power in the US. So, in other words, ‘The Agency’ will have the ultimate power of veto over what gets sent out.
Yes, it’s a race against time. The urgency with which the Jewe wants to stampede the American ‘goy’ into another war, this time possibly against Rusklandia directly, is palpable. One senses a note of desperation in the air.
After all, war is their ONLY antidote to USURY. What’s the national ‘debt’ running at? Far far more than America or 10 such Americas could possibly pay out. So when the debt becomes unpayable and unserviceable, one of two things may happen…
a) The debtors themselves are led off the cliff, or…
b) Said debtors wake up from their Prozac/Flouride-induced slumbers, round up creditors, and, as in days of yore, get rid of them.
From there, it’s all quite simple…
1. Nationalize the Fed
2. Disown all national debt created by book entry
3. Create debt-free currency
4. Break up media monopolies on the double
5. Abandon Rothschild-controlled NATO and oppose its interventions
6. Investigate IXXI and deal swiftly with all those responsible for the attack and cover-up.
And many many more exciting revolutionary initiatives which will present themselves once the land has been liberated from the evil grasping claw of the Maso-Jewe.
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
Casting off the shackles of Rothschild jewry certainly won’t be easy. James’ 6 points are right on the money, and it’s the obvious path, but I fear there are so many Goy traitors who are bought & paid for, and because Americans are so stupid, that it will be next to impossible. And we can’t forget our mortal enemy, the jew-owned media, which Americans are addicted to. When they think of jews, they think of Jerry Seinfeld. American’s stupidity & their embracing of it is a very tough nut to crack, especially when all of media is in jew hands.
Rothschild jewry owns the west.
Hey Matt, it is good to remind ourselves at all times of the actual solution to the ‘JQ’ or rather ‘JP’. No point in trying to second guess their diabolical intent. Or its wellspring. Ultimately … who cares. The important thing is to keep the focus on HOW to get out from under their yoke. Whether it be in our lifetime. Or 100 or 1000 years hence.
The problem is not a new one. It’s not even just a 300 yr old problem – i.e. with the rise of ‘finance capitalism’ and the ‘Age of Enlightenment’. It’s 3000 yr old problem. The problem of … USURA!
Namely … the creation of ‘money’, or more correctly, ‘currency’ out of thin air as DEBT to the Jewe. It has proved the most effective form of colonization in the sad, sordid history of humanity. And the most effective form of mind control – i.e. ‘indebtedness’.
Any resistance is ipso facto tagged ‘fascism’. In psychological terms, we are in the territory of ‘projection’. Typical psychopathic technique – accusing your victim of doing unto you what you are doing unto them.
NEVER self-identify as ‘rightwing’. It’s meaningless.
NEVER even self-identify as ‘conservative’. Again … meaningless.
We are ALL conservative in as much as we want to conserve and preserve what is ours. Most importantly, of course, our children. And our FREEDOM.
We are ALL revolutionaries when it comes to our fervent desire to get out from under the yoke and the tyranny of USURA!
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
___The system cannot be used by law for any purpose other than “to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.”___
That’s what it says.
But because there is no reason for it not to read . . .
___The system cannot be used by law for any purpose other than “to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, act of war, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.”___
. . . it brings to the surface that an ‘act of war’ by an outside power is contemplated as being the trigger for sending out that presidential alert.
@netanyahu , re presidential alert system. If something goes Bang in the US, either before or after the mid terms, and your media denies T access, but wants to blame Iran Iran Iran, T will simply say via the PAS that it was not Iran, for everyone to understand who it really was.
i dream of a Kristalnacht Christmas ♬ …