4 thoughts on “This is Netanyahu’s horror: “An open unleashing of raw racism that has always been a part of Israeli society””
  1. Typical Jewish Holohoax cheap talk. I’m getting so sick of it. The “Holocaust” wouldn’t last 2 rounds of a real debate. I’m embarrassed for the human mammal that so many still believe that preposterous lie! As she describes the Nazis, once again it sounds as though she’s describing the Israelis! Jews are the most racist people on earth! There was the “master race” but the jews are “Chosen”.
    No more than 400,000 jews died in WW2, from all causes and throughout the entire Euro theatre.
    Discrediting the “Holocaust” is as easy as taking candy from a baby.

  2. it is hard to take this writer seriously when he begins this article by reminding the reader about thecauldron of lies the holocaust is composed of. Yes, we know Netanyahu is a pathological liar, but that does not make the writer any less so.

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