ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, none of what you are about to read is novel, new, or otherwise outside-the-norm. It didn’t begin with Herzl, with Ben Gurion or with Netanyahu. Everything that has taken place since the volcanic eruption known as Judea Resurrecta, all the mass murder, despoilment, theft, and inhumanity was as much baked into the ‘nature’ of this Apocalyptic event as teeth are ‘baked’ into the nature of the alligator while it is still forming in its own egg.
Note as well–it isn’t a ‘Talmud’ thing. The Jewess interviewed makes very clear the ugly truth of the entire matter–
‘…it’s our homeland…It says in the Torah that this is our home, this is our land, and we have every right to live there.’
We are forced to point this out due to what is the tidal wave of realty-rejectionism that unfortunately prevails within huge swaths of the ‘anti-Zionist’ movement these days, where various self-degreed ‘experts’ cloud an otherwise easy-to-understand picture with their propagation of the notion that the Torah (Old Testament to Christians) plays no role whatsoever in all the murder and mayhem taking place today and that in reality, it is all about the Talmud, when this clearly not the case, AT ALL.
As the sun beats down on us near Kibbutz Be’eri in Israel, Avi looks out towards the place he really wants to live. It’s only two miles away and it shimmers in the sunshine.
“It would be our privilege,” he says, looking at his wife and three small children.
Their plan is to move to Gaza.
He’s not sure when it will be possible, but he’s hoping it will be soon, once it is safe to move in.
As if on cue, there is a boom as another shell is fired into Gaza from a nearby gun emplacement.
Avi is not alone.
Around us are dozens and dozens of Israelis who are keen to get into Gaza and claim the land as their own.
They have come to a conference on the resettlement of Gaza in Kibbutz Be’eri as a show of strength and determination. Many of them are couples with children.
There is a tent where the youngsters are being entertained, a stall handing out drinks and a stage with speeches and music. People are making small talk in the shade of a pagoda.
There are lots of guns here, and the atmosphere is rich with a sense of frustration, entitlement and even excitement.
Reshit has come with her friends. She is the daughter of an Israeli soldier who spent months in Gaza and is now fighting in Lebanon. She is friendly, open, eloquent and utterly sure of herself.
So why would you want to live in Gaza?
“Because it’s our homeland,” she replies. “It says in the Torah that this is our home, this is our land, and we have every right to live there.’
“So many soldiers have died in this. We have to keep doing what they started. They died for a reason. They started something. And I think it’s our duty for them and for their families to actually keep doing what they started.’
“They sacrificed themselves for something so we have to sacrifice ourselves for that thing also.’
What, I ask, about the Palestinians who already live in Gaza? What should happen to them? She doesn’t miss a beat.
“We should kill them, every last one of them. And if the government won’t do that then we should just kick them out. This is our land. And we deserve it.”
Mass murder is not proposed by the other people we meet, at least not while talking to us, but the idea that the Palestinians should forego and forfeit their land and be sent to other nations seems commonplace.
“Throughout history, countries who lose wars lose their land,” I was told by a man called Boris, who says he is an activist for Likud, the political party of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Until recently, the idea of sending settlers into Gaza had very few supporters – a fringe proposal with almost no momentum.
Now right-wing politicians have jumped behind it with gusto as a growing sign of their determination not simply to beat Hamas, but to change the region.
And along with the would-be settlers there are politicians here, lending their weight.
Itamar Ben-Gvir, the outspoken minister of national security, turns up to lend his support, agreeing that Palestinians should be removed from Gaza.
Another VIP visitor is Ariel Kallner, an MP for Likud, who tells me that he is here to show his support for the settlers’ plans.
He insists that “total victory” in the war can only be achieved when settlers have set up a town in northern Gaza. In the distance, smoke rises over Gaza.
In a large tent to the side, a loudspeaker bursts into life.
Daniella Weiss takes to the stage to applause. Now a sprightly 79 years old, she has spent half a century encouraging settlers to set up communities in the West Bank.
She claims to have established more than 330 settlements and now, her focus is on Gaza.
“You know, it wasn’t easy. We have accumulated a lot of experience about how to do it politically, how to work with the politicians, how to work with the public, and how to encourage the pioneers to be able to settle in a place that is their land, but is also a difficult place to live in,” she says. “We can teach them how to cope.”
There is another commotion, this time in the neighbouring field. Counter-demonstrators have turned up and a line of police officers is separating them from the settlers. They’re chanting their opposition and waving banners.
Mickal Frucktman bristles with anger. She says she was shocked to see Likud politicians at the event because “I think that means the government supports this idea”.
“What they want to do is illegal and it’s going to cause incredible problems. It’s going to totally ruin Israel morally, if there’s any moral shred left. And there are still 101 hostages being held.”
She looks at the settlers; they look back. It’s hard to imagine any common ground between these two camps, any fellow feeling.
And from somewhere near, there is a boom as another shell is launched into Gaza.
Jews: “This is our planet and we deserve the whole thing to ourselves, except maybe a few slaves. The rest of you all need to die.”
How is occupied Palestine different than ~500 years ago when the Norwegians, than the English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch invaded the Americas from Chile to Canada?
ed note–Yes are correct–substantively, there is no difference.
However, the topic at hand is not what happened 500 years ago, but rather what is taking place at the very moment of this writing, and for that reason it should be pretty obvious why a discussion along the lines of what you are proposing is probably not relevant.
The world too is discovering that tribal i n b r e e d i n g is reflected beyond physical features and medical abnormalities, to sociopathy and, in extremis, psychopathy…
Observe the behavioral attitude of successive Israeli leaders, their claims and long-term G E N O C L E A N S I N G of Palestinians.. ‘Destroy them like AMALEK’, ‘animals’, ‘exterminate them’, etc… In application it is a foreign policy made clear….
It is in Deuteronomy 7,6 and 12, the ‘We are the Chosen’ by the God we made up: ‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you(list of)… you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction.[a] You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them… You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons… For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth… you shall consume all the peoples that the Lord your God will give over to you. Your eye shall not pity them… he will give their kings into your hand (in money debt), and you shall make their name perish from under heaven. No one shall be able to stand against you until you have destroyed them…’ Sound familiar…?
This is in response to @DavidWesterlund. The “Pilgrims” were not Christians. (And that’s why the Pilgrim Society, still in operation today, in both England and the U.S. was so named.) The Pilgrims were (are) adherents to the Torah, aka the Old Testament–which has been the bane of everyone’s existence since some wretched creatures decided to scribble (scribe) it all down. They brought their Jewish war lord-god with them to the shores of Massachusetts and Rhode Island where the first synagogue, Touro synagogue, was built.
This from the website of Touro Synagogue:
“The first Jewish immigrants in the small but growing colony of Newport, Rhode Island, arrived from Barbados in the mid to late 17th century, possibly AS EARLY AS 1658. They were primarily of Spanish and Portuguese origin; their families had migrated from Amsterdam and London to Brazil and then to islands in the Caribbean. They were not given full rights as citizens — they could not vote or hold office — but Rhode Island’s religious toleration meant they were SAFE and FREE from persecution. In Newport, they formed Congregation Nephuse Israel (Scattered of Israel), the second oldest Jewish congregation in the United States. By 1677, the community realized the need to acquire land for a Jewish burial ground. Two of the original immigrants, Mordechai Campanal and Moses Pacheco, purchased the lot at the corner of what is now Kay and Touro Streets for this purpose.” (https://tourosynagogue.org/history/) One might ask from whom were these creatures “safe” and “free”? And “safe” and “free” to do what, exactly?
From the ‘mouths’ of The Jews, we see FROM WHERE these “sea peoples” had “migrated” and brought their money power with which they were able to enslave more native peoples. SO DON’T TELL US THAT IT’S THE “WHITE” PEOPLE WHO ENSLAVED THE NATIVE PEOPLES OF THE CARIBBEAN and NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA, you liar. IF any part was played by the CATHOLIC monarchs of Europe, it was that they TOO had become debt slaves of The Jews and were happy to rid themselves of some of The Jews by offshoring them elsewhere. As we can PLAINLY SEE, offshoring The Jews has only served to enslave the REMAINDER OF THE WORLD to their USURY and other well-worn FINANCIAL and POLITICAL SCHEMES and conspiracies.