Jill Rosenberg

Jill Rosenberg made aliyah in 2006. She was convicted of involvement in a US scam targeting pensioners.

The Canadian-Israeli woman who volunteered to fight ISIS – at least, according to Voice of Israel public radio – is Jill Rosenberg, aged 31. She made aliyah in 2006 and served in the IDF’s Home Front rescue unit. She was arrested in 2009 and extradited to the US, after being charged with taking part in an international scam which tricked American pensioners out of funds totalling $25 million.

She was convicted and sentenced to four years in jail, but was released and expelled from the US.

“I have decided to contribute my share to the Kurdish national effort,” the woman told Voice of Israel. She told Voice of Israel that she joined the Kurdish resistance after contacting them through the internet. She claimed that she left Tel Aviv a few days ago and reached Irbil in Iraq, from which she was taken to the mountains near the border to be trained before being sent to fight. She has crossed the border into Syria, she added.

“I reached the IPG, a Kurdish army in the war against ISIS,” she said. “Now I am about 3,000 kilometers from ISIS.”

Asked what led her to join the Kurds, she replied: “They are our brothers. Good people who love life just like us.” She said that she is undergoing a sort of boot camp and that she has met female Kurdish fighters.

It is not clear what proof she provided Voice of Israel that her story is indeed true.

Arutz Sheva

0 thoughts on “This is the Woman Who 'Volunteered to Fight ISIS'”
  1. another lying spy. I hope she find death the minute she touches sacred Syrian soil. I hope the Kurds realize she is a spy, that works for the israel and there sponsored ISIS dogs.

  2. Aside from her paste record i’d say this is a seriously gutsy call! i don’t think it’ll end well:( ~ when she refers to ‘Bros’ and ‘us’ to whom is she refering? Enquiring Minds want to know ~ i want to know:)

  3. The Israelis and Kurdish leadership have long history of cooperation. The House of Barazani are descendant from Kabbalist Rabbinical Jews. Israel has a very strong and noticeable presence in Iraqi Kurdistan and the Kurdish leaders have no shame to deny it.
    Should we be satisfied that a woman who served in IDF does not know that ISIS is Israeli Secret Intelligence Service and their fingerprints are all over the place or she was not on a mission!?!?!
    In the meantime let the Jews and Kurds entertain themselve with some super fun-time fighting ISIS under the banner of brotherhood: “They are our brothers. Good people who love life just like us.”

  4. She’s contributing her share?!?
    What an arrogant little abomination. Its not her share, its money stolen from pensioners…

  5. Gosh, may her death be swift and sure. Just another criminal trying to present the face of honour to the world. Too late, baby. You are spawn.

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