0 thoughts on “Timothy McVeigh Redux: Latest Patsy Tsarnaev to be killed in Terre Haute”
These home grown “terrorists”,are truly “Patsys”. Mac Veigh,was a proto Tea Party. A rebel without a clue,and the Jews who controlled him,conscious,or unconsciously,used him to smear everyone they hated….The late Dr .William Pearce, wrote The Turner Diaries ,who if was said Mac Veigh used as a “blue print”.Pearce did not know the militant “patriot”,at all. Idiot Jews even tried to blame world famous ,and distinguished historian David Irving ! They paint with a broad brush,and try to reel in the “usual subjects”,when these “random acts,of terror”,occur. Learn that everything ,is a Talmudic Formula. Jews,are known as “eternal”,and “the people of the book”,for a reason.
The brainwashing that Sirhan Sirhan received from the CIA has worn off after 40+ years. I guess they can’t take a chance of it happening again. After all dead men tell no tales.
Another innocent bites the dust…..May Allah destroy the lives of all those who are involved in this and other oppressions. May the rue the day their mm gave birth to them. Ameen
These home grown “terrorists”,are truly “Patsys”. Mac Veigh,was a proto Tea Party. A rebel without a clue,and the Jews who controlled him,conscious,or unconsciously,used him to smear everyone they hated….The late Dr .William Pearce, wrote The Turner Diaries ,who if was said Mac Veigh used as a “blue print”.Pearce did not know the militant “patriot”,at all. Idiot Jews even tried to blame world famous ,and distinguished historian David Irving ! They paint with a broad brush,and try to reel in the “usual subjects”,when these “random acts,of terror”,occur. Learn that everything ,is a Talmudic Formula. Jews,are known as “eternal”,and “the people of the book”,for a reason.
The brainwashing that Sirhan Sirhan received from the CIA has worn off after 40+ years. I guess they can’t take a chance of it happening again. After all dead men tell no tales.
Another innocent bites the dust…..May Allah destroy the lives of all those who are involved in this and other oppressions. May the rue the day their mm gave birth to them. Ameen
The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh
Watch it.