

ed note–If there are cinemagraphic scenes that best explain the reason for the ‘Trump phenomenon,’ it is these from James Cameron’s 1997 film The Titanic. The first one shows the damage that has just taken place and the officers running the ‘ship of state’ huddled together with the ship’s engineer and discussing in impossible-to-conceal panic the damage that has just occurred and 2nd has the ship’s engineer explaining to an incredulous officer crew why the ‘ship that couldn’t sink’ will indeed do just that. The one flaw in the comparison between this film and what we are witnessing now with Trump is that the people backing him actually believe that the ship can be kept afloat.

4 thoughts on “Titanic, 2016”
  1. The fact is: The USA is divided into two unequal groups: those who are comfortable and trust our government regarding the official story of 9-11 and those (2/3rds) who are not and do not trust our government. Interestingly: Trump supporters mostly are found in the second group. That is they are not comfortable and do not trust the official story of 9-11. All Americans hate to be lied to and the evidence found at: ae911truth.org, rememberbuilding7.org and hr14.org indicates that Americans have been lied to. Trump could win as a write-in candidate. There is a silent majority, not unlike the iceberg, waiting for the election.

  2. I loved the movie Titanic. I still remember going to see it.
    Here is a slightly different take on the situation. “Das Boot”
    Attack on a British convoy –
    After being at the bottom of the ocean for twelve hours, managing to expel all the water the U-Boat took on and make repairs to the engine they’re going to see if their efforts worked and they can lift themselves off the bottom of the sea, just as their oxygen is about to run out. If they do get to the top, they’re right in the middle of Gibraltar, seven miles across and a big British naval base within a short distance.

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