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6 thoughts on “Top army general calls Russia ‘#1 threat’ to US”
  1. “Existential threat,” huh? The guy takes a trip to Tel Aviv, and instantly starts speaking Hebrew. We are doomed.

  2. Yes, this is a big problem. There are not nearly enough threats to the US. Europe, Japan and others have to join Russia and China and all together tell the mass murdering Americans, “we’re ready when you are”. Then we’ll see what the big General has to say.

  3. A threat to the US?. You are the most stupid General in the world or you have already drank the Kosher Cool Aid in Tel Aviv. The real threat to the US and to the whole world is IsraHELL.

  4. The US Armed Forces never was known for having much class ,or brains….anyone with it was either was pushed aside,or not promoted.
    It was at its apex in the 1950s.

    The top brass of the Armed Forces today get their post graduate instruction from Israeli professors ,employed by the US War College.
    The officer corp always Masonic, are now riddled with Evangelicals, or politically correct affirmative action selections.

    This General is a scripted fool.His talking points out of a JEW Hollywood film.
    Oh those stupid over the top uniforms,and Civil War rank shoulder boards !
    They only looked good with a tunic….
    The awful designs are emblematic of a nation turning into a banana republic.

  5. Remember how the Soviet Union used to have purges?
    I’d almost bet that the USA has had a quiet and prolonged purge of honourable patriots from its military forces. That’s just an outsider’s hunch. What do you Americans think?

  6. Yes. any one who opposes the Zionist agenda is “purged” is taken out of the picture from the political campaigns or they are killed or fired. And the ones who go along with the Criminal Judaic Mafia are promoted.

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