ed note–as always, lots of ‘must knows’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, do not be ‘swayed’ by the appearance of just one guy making these demands for Witkoff’s dismissal/firing. Given who he is and the ‘company’ he keeps as a top donor for the GOP and as a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, he speaks with one voice, but he is there as the face of the RJC in general.


They want POTUS DJT’s top negotiator Witkoff fired for 2 reasons–


1. As a group, the Pirates of Judea are out to start WWIII/Armageddon, something that POTUS DJT is determined to prevent…




2. They do not ‘own’ POTUS DJT as much as various ‘experts’ believe and claim, for if they did, we would find ourselves eyebrows-deep in the very same WWIII/Armageddon that the ‘children of Israel’ are determined to see take place.


Furthermore, L&G, be not swayed in the least by this deceptive Judah-ite’s statement concerning Witkoff being ‘incompetent’. If indeed Trump’s envoy were incompetent, the world would find itself writhing in the very same lake of fire that the Jews intend to see materialize per all of their prophetic plans. It is the fact that Witkoff is VERY effective and very competent that has now resulted in the Jews gnashing their teeth in rage, a fact that they cannot reveal or admit.


And lastly, let the following news story serve as an explanation as to WHY POTUS DJT must walk a very careful line with everything he does. He only enjoys a SLIM majority in Congress and has an even thinner base of die-hard support there. Everyone else are political windsocks who can be turned with one phone call from either AIPAC or the RJC, after which time POTUS DJT then finds himself without an ounce of the political support he needs in preventing the very same consummation of the world that Judea is seeking.


Jewish Insider


Eric Levine, a top GOP fundraiser and a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, is demanding Preisdent Trump’s chief envoy and negotiatior Steve Witkoff’s dismissal over a recent series of media appearances in which the Trump administration’s top envoy praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and said he was ‘duped’ by Hamas during failed negations to release the remaining hostages held by the terrorist group.


‘Witkoff’s performance is disqualifying because it demonstrates his utter incompetence,’ Levine said in a scathing email sent to his professional network on Wednesday, while calling the Trump official ‘an embarrassment to the country and to the president he serves.’


The Middle East envoy ‘should do the honorable thing and resign,’ Levine wrote. ‘Failing that, he should be summarily fired.’


Witkoff has faced backlash following interviews with Fox News as well as on Tucker Carlson’s podcast in which he said he did not ‘regard Putin as a bad guy,’ suggested Hamas could be ‘involved politically’ in post-war Gaza and said he did not believe the terrorist group is ‘ideologically intractable,’ among other comments that raised alarms with Republican lawmakers and national security experts. 


Levine’s unvarnished comments underscore how those concerns have mounted as the Middle East envoy, a close friend of President Donald Trump, has led negotiations with Hamas and recently met Putin in Russia, among other sensitive diplomatic assignments.


‘Anyone this naïve and who is willing to rely on the word of a nihilistic Nazi death cult which has been clear about its contempt for Western civilization, and its intentions to exterminate the Jews, destroy Israel, and which launched the Oct. 7 attack, is simply not qualified to represent the United States in such critical state craft,’ Levine said of Witkoff.


He also criticized the Middle East envoy for joining Carlson’s show, saying that the former Fox News host ‘has become a malign and malevolent platform for revisionist history.’  


‘From Holocaust deniers to Putin and Assad apologists and supporters, Carlson often has little use for facts and well-established documented history,’ Levine said. ‘For guests with whom he disagrees or from whom he senses weakness, he browbeats and attempts to humiliate them until they either agree with him or are derisively prevented from finishing their point,’ he added. ‘The Witkoff appearance was no exception.’


In his lengthy email on Wednesday, Levine argued that Secretary of State Marco Rubio should assume Witkoff’s role and correct for what he described as Witkoff’s ‘failures’ as Middle East envoy. ‘He will serve his country with honor and distinction,’ Levine said of Rubio. 


‘Most importantly, he can succeed where Witkoff cannot,’ he said. ‘Witkoff must go, and Rubio must take his place.’

One thought on “Top GOP fundraiser and Republican Jewish Coalition official demands POTUS fire top negotiator Witkoff”
  1. Well, well, well … that interchange about Rubio should inform everyone about who pulls his strings. I dare-say that ol’ Marco did look a little zombified and perhaps even on remote-control, during the last exchange with Zelensky present in the WH debacle. I do wonder why the Americans and so many other world leaders continue to tolerate the continual J-Cult interferrence – despite knowing full-well that it is never going to end well for the majority. The JFK and Liberty experience should have initiated a gradual expulsion of the nefarious Neo-con coup-plotters to ensure a safer America, for ALL Americans. Appeasement of the Israeli-Firsters simply hasn’t worked for the benefit of the majority of US citizens, so why continue with ‘policies’ that haven’t worked for the majority? Moreover, assuming that ALL of the US alphabet agencies have been taken over by the coup-plotters, as appears to be the case, where do Eric Prince and his band of Wild-Geese stand? Surely one would assume that they would be America-First, where their bread is buttered … Oh, what a tangled web of a cluster-f*** country has been woven for the well-meaning folk of the US …

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