Shay Musli, the head of one of Israel’s wealthiest and most powerful crime families was arrested on Tuesday by South African police and awaits extradition to Israel on a series of organized crime charges and murder.
Tel Aviv police said Tuesday local police made the arrest as part of a cooperative investigation with the special investigative branch of the Tel Aviv district, and through collaboration with the state prosecutor’s office.
In May, 8 members of the Musli crime family were indicted on a series of murder charges, shortly after police arrested 20 associates of the organization on a litany of charges including conspiracy, murder, and firearms offenses.
The Musli family, which made its name in south Tel Aviv and is based in and around the Kfar Shalem neighborhood, has powerful branches in Rishon Letzion, Bat Yam and elsewhere in Israel, and has spread its organization far outside the boundaries of the country in recent years. They allegedly run gambling and other criminal enterprises in South Africa, as well as casinos in Romania, which for years have served as major cash cows for the organization.
In November 2013, one of Shay Musli’s top associates, Shimmy Anu, was found murdered outside Johannesburg six months after he followed Musli to South Africa. Shimmy and his brother Beru were both top associates and enforcers in the family’s underworld war in recent years for control over gambling, exchange houses, and loan sharking and extortion rackets in central Israel.
Shimmy is believed to have been killed to send a message to a relative of his who had signed an agreement to testify to police about the Musli family. The identity of the state witness is still banned for publication, even though it’s known to the entire crime family and an open secret in south Tel Aviv. The witness’s testimony has been crucial to the state’s case against the Musli crime family.
For years the Musli family and their associates have been blood rivals of the Abergil crime family and its associates. The Abergil family was at the center of the “512 case” which broke in May and has been described by police as one of the biggest organized crime busts in the country’s history.
The arrest of Shay Musli and the ongoing case against the crime family join two other major organized crime cases by the police this past year, including the 512 case, and a recent bust of southern mob boss Shalom Domrani and a number of his top associates earlier this month.
nothing more than zionist propaganda the most criminal enterprise resides in Tel aviv and natanyahoo is their boss.