ed note–2 items that the reader should not make the mistake of misinterpreting or misassigning–
1. The fact that what is taking place viz the downfall of America is by no means an accident, but rather the culmination of a series of well-planned events put into motion by Judea, Inc a long time ago, and by ‘a long time ago’, we don’t mean merely 20 years, but rather, 20 CENTURIES…
2. That despite the faux ‘sorrow’ that the article deceptively appears to convey, Judea is in fact celebrating what is taking place. As we have discussed many, many times on this website, to organized Jewish interests, America is Rome, Rome destroyed Judea in 70 A.D., and now it is time for ‘payback’.
Now, as to our deceptive rebbe’s words concerning ‘political correctness’ and the fall of Europe–
‘The values of justice were replaced with those of political correctness…Family values have been replaced with those of hedonism…The birthrate that fell below the red line caused European leaders to open the floodgates to mass Muslim migration that would fill the void, and Europe started to totally lose its character…’
Note that he is lumping the fall of Europe in with the fall of America, something which, as already stated, we have discussed many times here–Europe was/is Rome, and Europe today is everywhere the Europeans went, including America. Everything that has taken place in the last century, including and especially the 2 world wars, was about setting the stage for Judea’s revenge against Rome for what happened in 70 A.D.
Also, as much as our deceptive rebbe talks about ‘values’ such as justice, family, birth rates, and the hedonism that has brought these values low, remember, that the moral/social/cultural character of Europe, America, and the West have been–through the willful cooperation of its own people–degraded and sickened as a direct and inescapable result of the toxic influence of the corrosive force of Judah-ism as it has manifested itself in Judaic control of the mass media, Hollywood, etc. The forces of organized anti-Gentilism, having gotten control of the town well/water system have sickened the population through the deliberate poisoning of this well and what’s worse is that those sickened don’t care enough about their own well-being or that of their children to ask any questions concerning the who, what, where, when, why or how of it all.
Breaking Israel News
One of Israel’s most respected rabbis, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, has released a statement on the status of America as a waning world superpower and a message of hope for Israel to fill the void. Rabbi Eliyahu is the Chief Rabbi of Safed and a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council
Regarding the outcome of the US elections, Rabbi Eliyahu explains that the schism is deeper than last week’s incident on Capitol Hill saying: ‘The big crisis that is currently happening in America didn’t start with the storming of Capitol Hill. It started with the Democratic party’s’ lack of confidence in Trump’s presidency expressed in fiery protests across the United States, and his being labeled in every possible derogatory manner.’
The rabbi added that the lack of Republican trust in America’s election process also contributes to the crisis.
‘With tremendous sorrow we can recall this event as part of the process of the US descending from the stage of world history. It’s a sad moment, but it’s happening.’
‘Pharaoh Fell Too’
Recalling the fall of ancient Egypt, the rabbi uses historic precedent to back up his claim saying: ‘This is not the first time a superpower fell because of a crisis of values and then returns to being an ordinary country among other nations. That is what happened to Egypt and Rome in the old days. That is what happened to the Ottoman Empire approximately a century ago, all the way to the Russian Empire that collapsed 30 years ago, both of whom collapsed due to a failure of values that led to their demise as well as a decline in their great power as world leaders.’
Rabbi Eliyahu also recalled the collapse of France and Great Britain who were once ‘considered part of the four powers that rule the world,’ He added that they collapsed just as Europe as a whole is collapsing because of values…or lack thereof.
‘The values of justice were replaced with those of political correctness. The family values have been replaced with those of hedonism. The birthrate that fell below the red line caused European leaders to open the floodgates to mass Muslim migration that would fill the void, and Europe started to totally lose its character.’