Rare criticism by the Republican Jewish Coalition and the Zionist Organization of America signals the extent of the anger in the U.S. Jewish community over how the White House handled the issue.
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No more than around 500,000 jews perished during what is the false narrative known as the “Holocaust”. None from homicidal gas chambers. The “Holocaust” is a B-S story concocted by the jew Bolsheviks, the jew Zionists and various of organized jewish interests, laying the foundation for reparations and a jew state. The “Holocaust” story is so patently false as to cause astonishment that such a fictional account could ever fly. Yet, it did and still is; the proverbial flying pig.
Behold! With lipstick and a blond wig.
That it’s a hoax has become such common knowledge today that people can’t bear to publicly prostitute themselves. Thank our revisionist historians. Jews simply pretend proven facts don’t exist and, without blinking, repeat ad nauseam the proven lies as facts.
Definite proof of their messiah complex. How DARE you not make us greater victims than everyone else. How DARE you not …
Hey. Do you realize we have not seen ONE “money shot” of Trump kissing that darned wall with a beanie on his fabulous hair? Not ONE rabbi standing behind him as he signs away something else to them?
Yes I know he has all those family and business connections, but…
Not ONE shot in a beanie. Not ONE with the ugly fuzzy faced menorah pushers slavering over his shoulders en masse…
How. darned. refreshing!
BTW I have made a vow to never use a Hebrew word in my conversation again, unless the situation seriously calls for it. Their incursion into our language must stop. So… now I call ’em beanies.