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The ‘procession of leaders’ looks like a photo-op taken some ways away from the actual march, the camera angle prevents you from seeing that there are not very many people there.
Good on Trev for making PTV, but guys, I’m going to tell you something you don’t want to hear, so obviously don’t post this. PressTV is using people like Trevor and the “Jews did it crew”, that’s me and you, to say the things that PressTV cannot get away with saying, else they would be libeling the enemy, and making themselves seem very unprofessional.
I have yet to hear of any remotely convincing evidence that makes the Hebdo massacre a Mossad operation. If the best evidence is that he knew the ‘underwear bomber’, then you guys are making a serious mockery of all your hard work and attention, daring to care when others do not, yet winding up duped, as instruments of war propaganda, with the ultimate result being of course, war.
Kaveh may as well have a parrot on his shoulder, at least it would be funny, and show PressTV to be just another propaganda outlet, unfortunately like all the others — with much bias. It’s so sad, shall justice and common sense ever prevail, or is humanity doomed to self-annihilation?
Bibi is one twisted whack job! If you can’t see he’s psychopath, you’re probably one too, or at the very least a sociopath… And I’m not usually one to use their language but in this case it fits, or how about criminally insane!