[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Oh_R9CUsI&w=854&h=480]

2 thoughts on “Trevor LaBonte on Press TV: Donald Trump now sole Republican nominee”
  1. Trump says Netanyahu is a great PM. Trump says Isreal is right in its position on taking the Palestinian land. Then Trump says put America first.
    I’m concerned about Trumps statements. Clearly Pro Isreal.
    He will lose to Hillary. This was all part of the show. I’m callin it now: Hillary in 2016… Because the Jews want her.

  2. WOO HOO!

    Trump is not ‘clearly pro-Israel’. He is playing the game because he knows what must be done if he stands a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

    And the Jews don’t ‘want Hilllary’, they are only supporting her as a consolation prize to having lost both Rubio and Cruz who were the favorites.

    Great job Trev

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