ed note–As one the most important of the various ‘New World Order’ types, POTUS FDR once stated–


‘In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way…’


–And therefore, the question that must be asked and answered (rationally), and ESPECIALLY by that horde of the ‘Trump is owned by dJooz’ types who have yet to figure out the obvious, which is that Trump is his own man and gives his own orders (and takes NONE) every bit as much as was the Roman General Titus who destroyed Joo-roo-salem in 70 AD is the following–


WHY did POTUS DJT chose to use as the background to his virtual speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos the TRADITIONAL ‘Great Seal of the United States’ WITHOUT that Star of David cluster placed above the eagle in the superior position that not only has desecrated the American dollar, but as well, has transmitted the symbolic yet very powerful statement once made by the warlord/war criminal Ariel Sharon that ‘We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it’?


10 thoughts on “Trump Addresses WEF with Star of David cluster missing from the Great Seal of the United States”
  1. I don’t see a “Star of David” cluster. I see rosette with 13 stars representing the original 13 states.

    ed note–It is indeed a Star of David cluster imposed in a superior position ABOVE the eagle (same animal that was the symbol of ancient Rome, BTW) and appeared in 1935 when it was added to the US Dollar.

    Despite your being unable (or unwilling) to see this, everyone else does, including the Jews themselves who celebrate the fact that there is a SoD cluster on the GSOTUS and which you can personally read about on hundreds of different websites dedicated to discussing the ‘JQ’.

  2. Of course it is a Star of David cluster. Is Curmudgeon kidding or does he suffer from some sort of vision problem?

  3. If you note closely the 13 stars are still there but now arrayed as a sort of outward facing curved line above the head of the eagle… so its just changed the orientation of the 13 stars so they no longer look like the star of david, but they are Still present.
    I would also point out the way the eagle faces on the star of david seal is to the left, meaning the undoing of things.
    While the way the eagle faces in the original seal is to the Right which indicates a building up of things.
    Curious Stuff. We’ll have to see what it means for the Anti-American Anti-Tax Payer fed gov policies we got to experience over the last decade. If the oligarch billionaires now seated with Trump as the “good guy” portion of the uniparty, they better look to make American Tax Payers Rich to avoid a noose for having gone along with the Scamdemic.
    Chop Chop.

  4. Also notice that the eagle’s head is pointed toward the claw with the arrows instead of the claw with the olive branch. That could symbolise war rather than peace.

  5. The ‘Star of David’ has six points, not five… just sayin’.

    ed note–If you look closely at the CLUSTER of 5 pointed stars, the CLUSTER, as we described it in the news story, you will PLAINLY SEE that the CLUSTER is arraigned in the shape of the SIX pointed star of david shape.

  6. How anyone such as ‘grim’ missed the fact that the seal pictured at the bottom clearly features a grouping of stars arranged into an obvious star of david is a mind blower. Have people really become this dense in the head?

  7. The bird is a Phoenix. The bird of the US has always been a Phoenix if you look at some of the first coins struck before being a corporation of the private banks of the Jews

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