The Joint Task Force October 7 will pursue criminal charges, including for capital crimes, against the perpetrators of the Hamas-led pogrom.


ed note–as always, a boatload of important information that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, as much as this will be chalked up by the ‘Cyclops Brigade’ within pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist circles as yet another case of POTUS DJT ‘kissing the ring’ of Netanyahu and swearing his fealty to Captain Hooknose and the rest of the Pirates of Judea, it isn’t that, AT ALL.


POTUS 47 right now is in a fight-to-the-death/do-or-die/winner-takes-all wrestling match with Netanyahu in bringing to an end all the violence in the Middle East that is about to boil over into WWIII/Armageddon and the news of this ‘task force’ being headed by the US Atty. General is part and parcel of that.


That POTUS DJT knows full well about Netanyahu’s personal involvement in the Oct. 7th attacks is crystal clear as intimated in the various statements that DJT made in the immediate aftermath of ‘the big bang’ that lit the fuse on WWIII/Armageddon.


And even though POTUS DJT is YET to state that Netanyahu was intimately involved, his directing the new USAG to start up this task force is his way of communicating to Netanyahu that he is ready, willing, and able to do just that, and with the credibility of a USDoJ investigation’s findings as the basis for making such a statement.


Remember, there were several Americans killed in that attack and several taken hostage, all of which POTUS DJT sees as having taken place by Netanyahu’s personal directive.


Furthermore, and this is an important question worth asking at this time–


The unprecedented FBI raid on DJT’s home in Mar-a-Lago prior to the Oct. 7th attacks in search of ‘documents’–Were some of these ‘documents’ related to Israel and the US Deep State’s plans for pulling these attacks off, and is this the basis for DJT stating that Netanyahu was personally responsible for the attacks and that he should ‘be impeached’?





A task force devoted to the prosecution of October 7 Massacre perpetrators and supporters has been established by the US Attorney-General’s Office, according to a memorandum issued by Attorney-General Pam Bondi.


The Joint Task Force October 7 (JTF 10-7) will pursue criminal charges, including for capital crimes, against the perpetrators of the Hamas-led massacre who murdered 47 US citizens and abducted eight American nationals.



Task force to investigate and prosecute those who funded Hamas


The task force aims to investigate and prosecute US-based Hamas funders, as well as to cooperate with the Defense Department, Treasury Department, and Israeli government for other measures against terrorist organizations responsible for the October 7 attack.


According to the memorandum, the Office of International Affairs preapproval measures for administrative subpoenas against foreign banks were suspended under the treasury secretary’s powers.


American Hamas supporters will also be scrutinized by the task force. The JTF 10-7 is set to investigate and prosecute ‘acts of terrorism, antisemitic civil rights violations, and other federal crimes committed by Hamas supporters in the United States, including on college campuses.’


According to Bondi’s memorandum, the JTF 10-7 will also provide services to October 7 victims and coordinate with other organizations on the return of those held in Hamas captivity.


The Office of Legislative Affairs is advocating for amendments to statutes regarding offenses not committed in any district and fines, penalties, and forfeiture to allow their prosecution in any district rather than just the District of Columbia. The memorandum says this will ‘expand options for bringing prosecutions in districts where investigations occur or particular expertise exists.’


The Deputy Attorney-General’s Office will supervise the JTF 10-7, manage coordination with other federal bodies, and lead engagement with US Attorney’s Offices.


The Justice Department’s National Security Division is set to provide attorneys and supervisors to lead investigations, but local US Attorney’s Offices will be responsible for prosecutions within their districts. The FBI is going to staff the new task force with relevant agents, analysts, and linguists.

3 thoughts on “Trump administration establishes task force to prosecute perpetrators of Oct. 7 attacks”
  1. This investigation will be a whitewash if no Israeli officials are included in the investigation. Why did the IDF stand down for SEVEN hours while the attack occurred? Who really was responsible for the killings? Many witnesses have stated that Israeli gunships indiscriminately killed both Israelis and Hamas. Was Israel REALLY surprised by this invasion as the first headlines trumpeted and claimed, especially when there were actually news people within the invasion group documenting it? If you’re going to investigate January 6 and its false flag implementation by the Democrats/Deep State, then you should also investigate the similar M.O. of October 6 – facilitating an “attack” and then unleashing a Genocide Machine on Gaza! Israel’s reaction only demonstrates what anyone with any critical thinking ability should see- O7 was orchestrated, with all its gross lies, so that Israel could finally level Gaza and acquire it over the thousands of dead Palestinians, a war crime if there ever was one!

  2. I’ll go out on a limb here and state the obvious.

    There is as close to zero chance as possible that Trump will ever have the balls to bust Netanyahu’s balls, no matter how much evil Netanyahu chooses to engage in, because Trump would much rather continue to lick that pair of balls and cash endless numbers of $100 million dollar checks signed by Miriam Adelson.

    I mean, come on, have you not seen that deliberately staged video clip of the Orange Man gently sliding a cushioned chair under the butt of his master, Bibi Netanyahu? That was a humiliation ritual. Even more nauseating than the ritual where US politicians are ordered to lick jewish boogers off of that Wailing Wall and have their photograph taken as they do it – so the jews can then beam the photo across the entire world media, to gloat and crow about how they can make the goyim kiss their feet and demonstrate their subservience.

    ed note– all of your points are well-foundationed and equally well taken. And yes, the showman and salesman POTUS DJT certainly knows how to razzle-dazzle his ‘audience’ in the same way as the character ‘Maximus’ did in Gladitor.

    But there are fundamental questions and fundamental items involved in all of this that have to be examined before jumping to all the conclusions which seasoned watchers of this never-ending nightmare/drama involving the Jews are inclined to adopt, and they are as follows–

    The only POTUS since 1948 who did not push back against them was Johnson. Every other one, even individuals as craven and as morally face-down-in-the-gutter as Clinton and GWB pushed back against them but ultimately proved that they did not have the balls to go any further than what were their token acts of resistance.

    And what separated them from POTUS Trump is, IMHA, as follows–

    None of them truly understood how close to the utter destruction of EVERYTHING that we are right now. As we have pointed out here on this website now for many years, WWIII/Armageddon is something that has kept DJT awake at night for most of his adult life, as made clear in the interview he gave with Manhattan Inc magazine 40 years ago which you can read for yourself here–

    And this was something that he obviously carried through with both his 2016 campaign and 2024 where he warned–repeatedly and vociferously, about the dangers of WWIII and how all other issues dwarf in comparison.

    Now, having said that, we also know that Trump–despite some pretty convincing showmanship to the contrary, hates Netanyahu’s guts and has done things in making this fact clear that no other POTUS has done, not the least of which was the announcement he just made within the last week concerning ‘taking over and owning Gaza’ in front of 16 billion eyes and 16 billion ears worldwide.

    In other words, that the US was putting an end to Netanyahu & co’s ‘Greater Israel’ project, and that the destruction of Gaza and all the murder and mayhem that the Jews consider to be their personal masterpiece in Jewish ritual murder was going to be erased and reversed and that there was nothing that the Jews can do about it.

    Now, as far as Miriam Adelson’s money, my/our take on it is as follows–

    Yes, she gave money, but did she do it willingly? Before he died and went to hell, her husband was under heavy federal investigation for bribing the government of Macao in order to secure certain ‘concessions’ for his gambling business there, and therefore it is possible–POSSIBLE–that DJT during his first term cut a deal with the Adelsons that in return for their support and their money that the USDOJ would not prosecute them.

    Furthermore, DJT does not need Adelson’s money any more. He has been elected and no longer needs cash for his campaign, so what is it for him to tell her to take a hike if she starts making demands of him?

    Now, the facts are as follows–

    The Jews did their damndest to prevent DJT from being made POTUS in 2016, and having failed in that endeavor, they then went on a four year long seek-and-destroy mission that included an unprecedented wall of daily screeching in the media, several ‘investigations’ aimed at undermining his political power, 2 Impeachments, the release of a lab concocted virus and a stolen election…

    …And none of this, NONE OF THIS, would have been possible without the power of the Jews behind it, so the question that must be asked and answered is as follows–


    These fundamental issues must be added into this complicated equation before arriving at any hasty answers.

    Hope this helps and thnx 4 your input.

  3. Thanks for your interesting and, I must admit, entirely plausible commentary. Unfortunately, aside from possibly being a wizard in the real estate industry, I have never thought that Trump was exceptionally intelligent. If he was a smart guy, he would not have made so many utterly stupid decisions and you must admit, he has a long track record of making dumb decisions which set himself up to have to beg for jewish money to bail himself out of his financial blunders.
    Since you mentioned the assassination attempts, the first of which I have strong suspicions about it’s authenticity, due to my inability to believe that there is such a thing within the human race as a Bullet Proof Ear – have you seen the news this morning that the Governor of Pennsylvania (the very jewish Josh Shapiro) might have been complicit in the assassination conspiracy at the Butler, PA campaign rally?
    Shapiro was supposedly on the list as a possible VP for the Cackling Hyena in last years election. This could be more fake news, possibly intended to ‘bait’ the Trump Team into saying something that the jews could seize upon to accuse him of being a flaming Anti-Semite – but, that remains to be seen.

    ed note–excellent points and glad to see you as a Gentile learning to think like Jews viz the Shapiro angle to Trump’s almost being assassinated.

    As far as him utilizing Jewish money to bail himself out, think about the territory in which he lived/operated throughout his entire adult life–the real estate development business in JYC. It is impossible NOT to use their money, their influence, etc, etc, etc, if you plan to succeed in that’neighborhood’.

    Besides the ‘practical’ matters involved in all of this, there is the other aspect to it that must be considered as well–It my personal theory that DJT has been part of the US intelligence community throughout most of his adult life. It is impossible for someone with his money, his international contacts and the people he has known and worked with NOT to be approached by CIA or some other Intel agency in a very quiet manner and asked to be part of the team.

    Having said this, given the HEAVY presence of real estate Jews with strong ties to Israel (Silverstein and others) what this means is that elements within the US Intel community would want a set of eyes and ears on the inside, and this would make DJT a perfect candidate for that.

    So, the long and short of it is that, yes, he used their money time and again to bail himself out, but there is likely a lot more to this than simply him being a typical subservient goy.

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