Holocaust scholar warns that while omission of Jews from White House statement may have been an error, refusal to make correction sends ‘deeply disturbing’ signals
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Last nite I spent hours rereading Joseph Sobran’s (RIP)newsletters. We should have cloned him. He wrote with such humor and suggested a way to bring down tyrannical oligarchs is with humor. I agree, but that we have not tells me we lack those writing skills and public speaking ability to bring it off. I try. Need to try harder I guess.
You’re right Joan Solms. Humor in truth can help disarm the parasites.
What do you call a jewish person that says they escaped from the holohoax, while their parents and grandparent were gassed and made into soap and lampshades?…. give up?…….a Liar.
Hasn’t anyone told the jews that their “6 Million” is total B-S?? It’s been proven beyond any doubt that the “6 Million” is patently preposterous!! Stop already! Why won’t someone openly challenge the lies?? They’re easy enough to prove…Their whole claim about the Holocaust is a LIE! C’mon, let’s have an open, public debate over 10 nights on prime-time TV with experts from both sides. Let’s issue an open challenge; maybe that will shut their lying mouths!
Time for the “Holocaust” lie to be put to rest once & for all!
Ya’ll are pretty full of poop. If Hitler had wanted them all killed, they would not have been mulling around in camps. Nice try.
Hitler was too nice. Have you ever seen exactly how vicious Jews can be? Killers!
When in 1983 the pope John Paul II visited Vienna, he spoke among others of victims of WW2. Immediately after that he was called an “anti-Semite” by some local Jews. Reason? He was “not saying enough” about Jewish suffering…
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9).
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee (Revelation 3:9).
You people are truly delusional and grasping its really time to stop your making fools of yourselves with these crazy untrue bizarre theories and stories your all nuts and pushing us closer to the right keep it up
Every time a hebe repeats the “6 Million” lie, it should never go unchallenged! Every time, it should be denied as a lie. NEVER allow the “6 Million” lie to be uttered without a challenge!
People need to get used to hearing the Truth about the “Holocaust”. The more they hear it, the more they’ll listen and it won’t be a shock. I’m an ardent Holocaust Denier, yet at one time I too was shocked by Holocaust Denial. Being objective, I researched it and was easily turned. The Truth is so transparent when it comes to claims of the “Jew Holocaust”.
I’m continually amazed at all the things written in stone for so long that turn out to be total horse manure. The jews have raped history. If I were top dog, all revisionist historians who have contributed knowledge to the Truth of the “Holocaust” would be granted Govt. pensions for life and be paid generous speaking fees for college lectures nationwide. The people would be de-programmed of jew lies in no time.
Proof that the CIA is infiltrated by MOSSAD; otherwise, the CIA would have hit squads to take out various of the Big Jews and their Shabbos goyim. Let ’em know they’re being stalked & marked for death. Suddenly a lot of these devils will have fatal “accidents” or come down with bone cancer.
And if another 9-11 false flag occurs, Israel would be turned into a sheet of glass.