ed note–please, all you self-proclaimed geniuses and experts out there who have this ‘Drumf’ thing all figured out, pay close attention to the language here, because you can rest assured of 2 things–

1. It is important, and

2. That Judea, Inc is paying VERY close attention, because they know that this is where the real ‘meat and potatoes’ of all genuine political intrigue takes place.

Trump is saying that the world being brought to the brink of war between 2 nuclear powers–the US and Russia–is not the work of Assad ‘gassing’ his people. He’s not blaming it on a trade war with China, on Kim Jong Un, or the immigration problem.

He is placing it squarely in the lap of his Zionist enemies who are seeking to implode his presidency by using Robert Mueller and the ‘Russian’ angle to do it.

If indeed all this saber rattling on Trump’s part vis a vis a missile strike in Syria is a political maneuver meant to scare the be-Jeezuz out of everyone by allowing tensions to escalate to the point that it appears war is imminent only to then have the entire thing fall apart with the announcement that the entire ‘gas attack’ story was ‘fake news’ brought forth by Trump’s enemies out to get a new war started and thus prevent him from bringing US troops home from Syria, he will have everything he needs to totally cut Mueller and Mueller’s handlers off at the knees.

The Hill

President Trump on Wednesday vowed he will continue to “fight back” against special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, blaming it for Washington’s deteriorating relationship with Moscow.

In a barrage of early morning tweets, Trump lashed out by name at Mueller and his supervisor, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, even as he denied the escalating investigation is fueling chaos at the White House.

“Much of the bad blood with Russia is caused by the Fake & Corrupt Russia Investigation, headed up by the all Democrat loyalists, or people that worked for Obama,” Trump wrote.

He accused Mueller — a Republican — of being the “most conflicted of all (except Rosenstein who signed FISA & Comey letter). No Collusion, so they go crazy!”

Trump was referring to a claim that Rosenstein signed off on an extension of a surveillance warrant on a Trump campaign associate as part of the Russia probe.

The tweet blaming the Mueller probe for tensions with Moscow came less than an hour after Trump warned Russia to “get ready” because the U.S. would launch “nice and new and ‘smart’” missiles at its ally Syria in response to a chemical weapons attack.

During his flurry of tweets Wednesday morning, the president also pushed back on media reports describing a West Wing becoming unglued by the controversy over the Russia probe, saying that the environment is “very calm and calculated with a big focus” on policy issues.

The tweets are the latest sign that Trump’s anger with the Russia probe has boiled over, which has alarmed lawmakers who worry he could fire Mueller, Rosenstein or Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders asserted on Tuesday that the president has the power to fire the special counsel, a stance that is at odds with many legal experts.

Trump’s anger was triggered by an FBI raid this week on his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, which came in part due to a referral from Mueller’s team. The president on Wednesday called the move “unthinkable.”

“I (we) are doing things that nobody thought possible, despite the never ending and corrupt Russia Investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus,” Trump tweeted. “No Collusion or Obstruction (other than I fight back).”

Trump has railed against the FBI and Russia probe for close to 48 hours since news of the Cohen raid broke Monday afternoon.

Cohen has been at Trump’s side for years and is a key figure in several legal controversies surrounding the president.

The attorney paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election in order to keep her from going public with allegations that she had an affair with Trump in 2006.

Cohen also faces scrutiny for his role in a failed effort by the Trump Organization to build a tower in Moscow, an episode that is reportedly of interest to the special counsel.

Trump’s response to the raid has largely overshadowed a series of pressing issues for the administration.

In addition to the Syria attack, the president is engaged in a trade dispute with China and is dealing with growing staff turnover in part due to newly installed national security adviser John Bolton’s desire to reshape his team.

Trump’s top homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, left the White House Tuesday after being pushed out by Bolton, according to a source familiar with the situation

The White House announced Tuesday that Trump will no longer travel to South America for an international summit, citing the Syria strike.

6 thoughts on “Trump blames Mueller probe for present tensions with Russia”
  1. What’s that, Winston? You think Trump’s attorney is in on it? You think Jehovah’s involved? Hmmm… That sneaky little serpent.

    ed note–no, once again, you are missing the point.
    Trump’s attorney, one of the ‘Cohen’ klan, had his home and office raided by the FBI and had documents featuring the private discussions he had with Trump (which is supposed to be protected and inviolable) taken as ‘evidence’. This was clearly a hostile act on the part of Judea, Inc’s ‘Deep State’ in further trying to undermine Trump’s presidency and to cast over him a perpetual cloud of suspicion so that he does not have any kind of public support.

  2. Sorry, Captain, there is no point. It’s all a circus, for the masses, by the masters. Soon we’ll all be chipped and physically linked to the grid, because the most we are now, and ever will be, able to do is flap our jaws and slap our keyboards. Though some do try, it will never be enough. If the remaining 7 billion would step off of their hamster wheels and realize the extent of sadism upon us, by so few, then maybe, maybe a breath of fresh air could be had. As long as the merchants of death are able to convince all others that their way is the only way, that is all we will ever have. That is the Torah, new-order-synthetic-unnatural, law of the serpent, Jehovah, that we are all force fed against our will. Only, some of us are sick of throwing it up, most, truly swallow it with pleasure and continue to beg for more. So sad.
    ed note, well since we are getting into rank here, I’ll play along.
    No, ‘private’ there is indeed a ‘point’ to this to those who keep their eyes, ears, and minds open and their mouths closed. The war to bring Trump down is real. It is not a ‘circus’ as you put it. It is not a ‘hoax’. It is not ‘scripted’. It is the real deal and people who claim ‘to know’ what is really going on and who make the claim that it is all ‘for show’ do themselves and everyone else around them a disservice by characterizing it as something it is not, and particularly when the stakes involved in it are so high and so serious.
    This is the problem with people who get their hands on a little bit of information and thus develop a little bit of wisdom–they apply what is in effect a very rudimentary and oftentimes overly-simplistic explanation to events that require more nuance and slightly higher math in accurately understanding and explaining them, and I say this as a ‘captain’ who as a ‘private’ once had the bad habit of engaging in this very behavior myself and who recognizes today what kind of damage it did in helping myself and others to understand.

  3. Imagine, if you will, that the serpent hissed to him (Cohen), a message, in 2016, to pay off the porn-star. Don’t think for a moment that Jehovah’s disciples, who run the porn industry, didn’t hear about it (the liaison) before it happened. Don’t be surprised if a video surfaces. If it smells like serpent feces, it is serpent feces. If it was a consensual liaison between Trump and Stormy, whose business is it, other than his spouse? It was a personal affair, not a political affair. The serpent has made it a political affair. More circus for the masses, by the masters. Humor will be all we have left before the serpent finalizes its plans. After, there will be nothing but…

  4. Maybe you are unaware of who runs the ‘unintelligence’ agencies. The serpent is everywhere.
    ed note–I am aware of a lot of things, ‘Me’, and given the level and intensity of my involvement in all of this ‘business’, I don’t need anyone sitting down and giving my any kind of schooling on just who runs things and the methods they utilize in doing it. Remember that you are leaving comments on my website and not vice versa.

  5. For some reason, I keep thinking that Russiagate is a big sting operation engineered by Trump’s backers to expose the traitors and criminals who infest Washington. Perhaps these parties flipped Mueller with the threat of life in prison for the numerous crimes he’s committed and he’s somehow running a parallel investigation to suck in everyone, especially the media?

  6. Thank you Captain Editor for asking “Me” to step off. It had become too much.
    As for “Ms. Daniels”, I find it a bit difficult to believe (despite what you said during your latest podcast) that Trump was dumb enough to take a ‘meeting’ with Daniels. And without real knowledge about it, we cannot make a judgment. It’s a “he said, she said” scenario and since Ms. Daniels is a strumpet, I tend not to take her at her word. IF Trump was involved in this alleged dalliance, and if Ms. Daniels entered into a contract to remain quiet about it, and is now blabbing about it, she is, in fact, someone whose word is not good. In the end, it’s of import only to the First Lady.
    As for this article, the thing that frightens me the most right now is having Bolton in the administration.

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