THE DURAN – As senior members of his own party were deserting him, Donald Trump found his footing in his rematch debate with Hillary Clinton on Sunday night, blasting her for “always” blaming Russia even without evidence and for backing rebels who turn out “worse” than the leaders the U.S. overthrows. He even disavowed his own running mate’ for supporting war with Syria.
Trump should have mentioned how Syria once aided the USA and what was the turning point in their relationship. Can Trump change his running mate? I can see pence causing a lot of trouble for the Trump administration.
The author was careless in writing such an important piece by just mentioning “a Missouri University.” The debate was held at Washington University in St. Louis, a premier university, aka Harvard of the Midwest. Its School of Medicine and School of Social Work are world renowned. It has been home to many Poet Laureates, many Nobel winners in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. The first ‘independent’ Presidential candidate in modern history was a Professor then teaching at Washington University. The 1904 World Fair was held at the Hilltop Campus shown at the beginning of the debate. The October 9 event was the fifth debate between Presidential and/or vice Presidential candidates at Washington University since 1992.
He certainly crushed her. He closed his rally last night in FL with “America First.”