ed note–‘Trump said he would be speaking to his national security team to determine who the responsible party was and what U.S. action if any would take place.’

The Hill

President Trump on Monday said he would decide the U.S. response to the “heinous” chemical weapons attack in Syria “in the next 24 to 48 hours.”
Speaking at the White House, Trump delivered his first in-person condemnation of the attack, which reportedly left dozens of people dead.
“It was atrocious. It was horrible,” Trump said. “This is about humanity and it can’t be allowed to happen.”

Trump said he would be speaking to his national security team to determine who the responsible party was and what U.S. action if any would take place.

“If it’s the Russians, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out,” he said.

8 thoughts on “Trump: Decision on Syria will be made in '24 to 48 hours'”
  1. It is the Western Powers trying to get WW3 going, it always has been and they lie, lie, lie about it, its far more than disgusting.
    ed note–yet another example as to ‘how they do it’.
    You left out a ‘biggie’ in your statement there about just who is trying to get WWIII started Jerry–Israel and organized Jewry. Why is that?

  2. Needless to say this could be it. Can the bear take on the bull and the eagle? Withe a little help from the dragon an Iran. Pray for peace.

  3. It’s somebody, but certainly not the western-supported Wahhabi mercenaries.
    CW; how absurd. Hard to believe they’re serious, after faking this a couple of times already! Not even real CW! Chlorine! Why would Assad do it?? He wouldn’t; any idiot should know that.
    Besides, killing people with bullets, bombs, missiles, cluster bombs, artillery, napalm, etc is much more humane, right? What jew BS!

  4. First of all, Trump, it’s none of your business who did what in Syria. If the U.S. was gassed, go get’em tiger. Let Syria take care of their bad guys. They’ve got Russia and Iran to help. If you are so concerned about terrorism you might want to look into Palestine. We know who did what there. Come on Winston, this stuff is getting deep.

  5. Call the White House tomorrow morning and tell the President this is not why we elected him:

    (202) 456-1111

  6. My Crystal ball tells me that Trump is sitting in the Oval office flipping a penny. Heads its war, tails its recession/ depression. It is predicted that the U.S. WOULD SUFFER SERIOUS MONEY PROBLEMS IN 2018. THE SOLUTION IS WAR. THAT MUST BE THE REASON TRUMP KEEPS CHANGING HIS POLICY ON SYRIA. iF YOU CAN’T DECIDE, FLIP A COIN.

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