ed note–let’s understand something about this straight away–Trump is not just making this prediction in a passe’ fashion, nor is he characterizing this ‘revolution’ as he puts it as a phenomenon that will rise up without his own personal involvement.
This is his way of telling the Kabbal out to dethrone him that he (as well as the rest of his team who remain hidden from public view) is in it for the long haul and if necessary, will utilize the military under his power as CiC in preventing the planned for coup on the part of Judea, Inc. Once a national emergency is declared, he pretty much has a free hand in utilizing the military as he sees fit, which includes having certain members of Congress and other important functionaries within the Justice Department, CIA and other tentacles of the Deep State arrested as Lincoln did during his presidency during the war between the states.
That all of this is understood to be the case by his enemies is not up for debate, a small piece of evidence being the recent Op-Ed that appeared just a week ago dealing with the Emergency powers which the President legally possesses and how he might use them if and when push comes to shove.
@RepJerryNadler, how could Trump’s role in Cohen’s payments be an “impeachable offence” if the money paid to Stormy Daniels came out of the $350Mn of his own money that he put into the campaign? What if Cohen deducted the sum before the balance became campaign contributions?
9:42 PM – 12 Dec 2018