Many of Trump’s Israeli and Zionist admirers, including evangelical Christians, will be shocked by his proposal and lash out.
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Well, the Israeli-US marriage (forget honeymoon of 2 years) of the last 50 years has to end. Neo-cons are nothing but Jewish Trotskyites in drag. Unfortunately, they need to be crushed as much as the AIPAC ccrowd.. As per Evangelicals of the Christian Zionist persuasion – well, maybe it will be good for these dumb asses to be forced to choose between their Scofield Bible and other issues that POTUS is willing to tackle. Would these Christians want to be under Hitlery or some RHINO? I don’t think so, because they are generally on board with POTUS on most other things. So, if the well being and blind support of the Jewish state is the ultimate concern of these people, then continue down your road of stupidity and you may find out how badly you screwed yourselves.
My ultimate peace deal: Expose what the Jews did 911. Remove Israel from all maps and globes. Remove all Jews from Palestine for their lies and murders of innocence, and send them out to sea to search for a new land. If that’s not possible, send them to Jewpiter. The main thing is to clear them out of Palestine and let the Palestinians flourish again. PEACE on Earth. 🙂
“The Trump plan wrestles away sovereign areas of Israel and hands them to the Palestinians.
Doing so rewards the Palestinians, despite their fulfilling basically none of their prior commitments dating back to the Oslo Accords of 1993, thereby encouraging further Palestinian bad behavior.”
The author of the article can kiss my goyem ass.
You moron. You’ve been kissing the most openly Zionist POTUS of all time’s ass on this site for awhile now. No-one who’s truly against worldwide jewish hegemony buys into this bullshit.
ed note–no, the morons are those who refuse to utilize the brains that the creator gave them and to see past all the theatrics taking place, in the same manner as they would have done in the past with presidents such as Kennedy who waged his own charm offensive with Israel and American Jews while behind the scenes he and his brother were waging their own private war against them and for which each of them paid with their lives.
But then, what more would any intelligent person expect when the commenter in question chooses for him/herself ‘Adolf Hitler’s Ghost’ as a screen name, when it is a no-brainer that trying to fight any war against entrenched Jewish interests by harkening back to the ‘good old days’ of the 3rd Reich is an absolute loser as far as strategy goes?
As we like to say here, no one ever accused the Jooz of being stupid, and no one ever accused White Nationalist gentiles of being smart.
“You moron. You’ve been kissing the most openly Zionist POTUS of all time’s ass on this site for awhile now. No-one who’s truly against worldwide jewish hegemony buys into this bullshit.”–Hitler’s Ghost
Excuse me Mr. Hitler’s ghost but to whom are you referring? You seem to be confused about those who gather here including yourself….
Though we all debate and converse differently based on how we each see this problem… the problem itself is one that effects us all. We are all on the same side here. Kindred spirits venting our frustrations about a subject that, until recent years, we could hardly even speak two words of truth about with out being labeled false names or even totally silenced and suppressed all together. I was locked out of several message board forums for my views on this subject. Even members of my own family turned on me and old friends I thought I knew stopped being my friends just because I spoke the truth. Some people are hopelessly brain washed and not only can not hear or stand the truth but can not tolerate any one else hearing it either.
I really do not understand the words in your post. In case you did not understand my own, my words were about the person that wrote the article that we are discussing above. I was saying what I felt about his opinion.
Are you saying then that you agree with what Mr. Pipes says in the above article?
ed note–LB et al,
As readers of this website know all too well, on an almost daily basis I/we reference those ‘experts, geniuses, and prophets’ and the manner by which these types manage to f*** up everything vis a vis the oftentimes unhinged narrative which they offer into the mix that operates in no other capacity other than to confuse and confound what would otherwise be a very easy picture to visualize.
The comment left by ‘Adolf Hitler’s Ghost’ is exactly what we are referencing here when we utilize the terms ‘experts, geniuses, and prophets’. Usually, comments such as this–that appear here on a daily basis–are shitcanned to that netherworld region of the internet where they belong, but I/we decided to go ahead and post this as a little exposition as to what we deal with here on a daily basis and why these types should be given NO platform whatsoever in any genuine movement by Gentiles seeking to liberate themselves from the strangling, suffocating yoke of Jewry. These type–generally speaking–operate on an extremely elementary level (and that is being very generous) in both their understanding of the oftentimes complicated and even convoluted nature of the political pandora’s box threatening all of us today as well as in their delivery. The fact that he/she obviously does not recognize how UTTERLY USELESS and counterproductive is the utilization of any ‘Hitler’ theme in any modern political discussion is but one indicator as to why these types should never be allowed to participate in anything related to our collective liberation/survival in the slightest degree.
And remember as well, he/she is just one of MANY.
Dear Editor: the moniker chosen by the commenter likely indicates the person to be a J e w i s h troll. Even the dumbest of the goy have gotten the unavoidable message that it’s very unlikely you’ll be taken seriously by anyone if you invoke Hitler as an icon. The J e w s have ensured Hitler’s name invokes only disgust, fear, and loathing whether audibly spoken or written.
However, the J e w s still get PLENTY of traction by using Hitler (and his ghost) as a battering ram with many uses. They’re like pit bulls. The J e w s have sunk their teeth into this piece of meat and will gnaw it down until they reach the bone marrow and, even then, keep on sucking.
The J e w s will only disengage and release their grip on the Hitler bone when what they claim is some significant number of J e w s (the exact number being significant to them) is thrown under the bus in order to ensure the continuation of their status as the perennial victims. After all, the Bible tells us the J e w s were slaves, blah, blah, blah.
The day of blow-back seems to draw nearer. I, for one, look forward to it, although it will likely be bad for everyone else as well.
ed note–as you well know, SL, normally you and I are in total agreement, but on this I beg to differ, and based upon what has been my own very ‘up close and personal’ experience on this matter.
Yes, it is indeed possible that ‘Hitler’s Ghost’ is a Joo Troll, but then again, maybe (probably) not. My own experience in dealing with them on a daily basis for the last (almost) 20 years since 9/11 is that indeed many (most) of them are the real deal, and many pf them I have known in a very real manner. There is a very strong contingent of males out there who absolutely worship the ground that AH walked on, and in one case, I know a severely deranged individual who believes he is the LITERAL reincarnation of AH and who believes that the reason he was molested by his own father as a child was as a punishment from God for having lost WWII to the Jooz.
No, I am not making this up…Wish I were, but I’m not.
And he’s just ONE of many I have known over the years. Generally speaking, they almost all without exception fit an identical template–severely dysfunctional family background, weak father or no father at all, overbearing mother. Unmarried, very angry at women, no children, etc.
As I said, I have had lots of very personal experience on this and based upon this fact if I were a betting man, I’d be wililng t wager my left earlobe that it was not a Joo troll but rather the template angry dysfunctional unmarried white male.
Pipes wrote: “The idea of putting any area “under international control” curiously harks back to the 1947 U.N. partition plan’s ill-fated but enduring notion of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum. In other words, it is anachronistic.”
No, no, no, my ‘dear’ Mr. Pipes; what is “anachronistic” is Judah-ism which is a racial supremacist, political ideology, masquerading as a religion of “god”. J e w s have never been interested in God; they’ve only been interested in the possibility for world control that the cult of 613 laws gives them. Jesus Christ really put a crimp in that plan.
As for the “Christian” Zios (which doctrinally is an impossibility) — they’re part of the Jewish mind cult of 613 laws and their ‘preachers’/’ministers’ will dance to the tune their Jewish paymasters play. I find them almost more disgusting than the J e w s, simply for their supreme stupidity and gullibility.
The J e w s had Jesus (the Logos) crucified, and they’ve never repented because they are still
J e w s. Which part of that simple 5 word sentence do the “Christian” Zios not comprehend?
“The fact that he/she obviously does not recognize how UTTERLY USELESS and counterproductive is the utilization of any ‘Hitler’ theme in any modern political discussion is but one indicator as to why these types should never be allowed to participate in anything related to our collective liberation/survival in the slightest degree. “— our esteemed editor
I am in total agreement. White supremists who profess their love and loyalty of A.H. have no real interest in what is good for human kind as a whole but instead wish to push their agenda of pure hate where ever they can be given a voice to do so. I am totally aware of the fact that they hate Palestinians as much as they do the Jews. And any one else they consider to be non “Aryan/white”. Not only are they just as bad and just as dangerous as the zionist Jews themselves but they are just plain total embarrassment. How many times down through the years they have jumped into a debate or conversation I’m having with a group of people on line discussing the plight of the Palestinians or the topic of the USS Liberty, another pet peeve subject of mine that I care deeply about.
When you are trying to explain the true history about something which had been kept silenced for so long, to a group of people who are interested in hearing it or at least interested in having a discussion about it then one of these “solders of Hitler” jump in it then it shuts everyone’s ears off and clears the room and leaves folks like me looking as if I am associated with these “Aryan/White” hate mongers. Is it not hard enough trying to turn the lights on in our darkened world with out them making it even harder?
So we have to fight so hard to get our voices heard over all the insanity. We fight the zionist Jews who have so much power and we fight the Evangelical Christian God’s little sheep dogs who believe its their job to herd all the Jews in the world into Palestine so when Jesus returns he wont have to go running around the world chasing them down to give them their spanking and we fight to have our voices heard over the “Aryan brothers” who believe any one whose skin is not snow white are to be considered the mortal of enemy of those whose skin is.
We agree on mostly every thing dear editor but I’m not so sure about your views about Zionism and it not being the real cause of the problem. If I understand you correctly you believe that it is Judaism itself that is the cause and all Jews therefore are to be considered the enemy.
If this were true then how is it that hundreds of years before zionism, (which was a European invention) came into being Arab Jews, Arab Christians, and Arab Muslims all lived together in peace? My own Palestinian father in law who was born and raised in Gaza and who remembered the horrible day that “israel” was vomited on top of Palestine and from that day forward referred to as “homeland for the Jew only” told me himself that there were no problems between Jewish, Christian and Muslim Palestinians who were fine with each other living as neighbors and friends just like we basically do here in the US. No Arab Jew ever demanded or asked that Palestine be a place considered as a homeland for Jews only. They never did because they already felt it was their homeland too. It was the European zionist colonists who went there demanding otherwise.
I am fully aware that the Jewish Talmud does say some pretty hateful things. And so does the old testament of the Bible, which the Jews profess is the only part of the Bible that is true. They reject the New Testament. But these were things they believed for hundreds of years and still managed to live in peace with other Arab people. Strange how the European Khazar Jew converts got run out of every single country they migrated to in Europe but yet Arab Jews were never forced out of any Arab country. Why? Because they must not have done any thing to cause the people of those countries to want them to leave.
I’m not convinced that its all Jews or their religion that is the underlying cause of this problem. Because the real problem did not begin till Zionism began.
Judaism itself, while barbaric and outdated, seemed to be relatively harmless to others in the Arab world. But when that barbaric and out dated belief system was taken to Europe and forced on and taught to a tribe of angry, warring, barbaric people as the Khazars were known to be it made them even more insane and dangerous. They are under the impression that they somehow are rooted in Palestine and it somehow belongs to them along with other Arab properties in the region. When in reality they are converts to a religion that began in Arabia only and have never owned any properties there nor ever lived there nor were ever exiled from there so therefore nothing there is owed to them. These insane things have been taught to them from birth and brainwashed into their heads so they will do what ever it takes to hang on to stolen lands that their zionist forefathers took with the help of the British.
But I will say this about all Jews collectively…..
The over whelming majority of the Jews of our world today support the Zionist abomination called “israel homeland for the Jew only” and there fore the overwhelming majority of the Jews of the world support ethnic cleansing, apartheid, murder, theft, denial of human rights, torture, racism, and the biggest form of hypocrisy on earth.
And that is a cold hard fact.
Which is why I say the Jew of today greatly needs to look in the mirror and…..
ed note–you are correct, LB–the WN/Hitlerite faction do more damage to our credibility and forward momentum than all the leagues of Judea, Inc added together and then multiplied by 100.
As far as the other, here’s how it goes.
I/we have never said Zionism is ‘not a problem’–It is, but the mistake that many people make in forming their understanding of it is that somehow it is distinct and different from Judaism like cold and hot water, which is not the case at all. Zionism is just the POLITICAL manifestation of Judaism, or rather, the practical application of the original ‘Zionism’ as clearly laid out in the various ‘holy’ books making up the beating heart of Judaism, to wit–
‘On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”…–Genesis, 15:18
‘And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…’ Deuteronomy 1:6–8
‘Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…’ Deuteronomy 11:24
‘…From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border…’Joshua 1:4
‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he will give you a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant…–Book of Deuteronomy
There are dozens (hundreds?) of similar passages found within the Torah (Old Testament) of similar flavor, but I think you get the message. Clearly, it is laid out within the most BASIC teachings of Judaism that the god of the Jews/herbrews, Israelites, khazars, schmayzars, lay-zars, whatever word we want to use in describing them, has ‘deeded’ them a specific piece of property and called upon them to create a ‘state.’
Now, the only reason why for 2,000 years there was RELATIVE peace and quiet in the Middle East between Jews, Muslims and Christians is because the original Christians and then later the Muslims, did not allow the Jews to claw their way to the top and occupy positions of power over society, as both groups knew what would happen if that were to take place, and this RELATIVE peace ad quiet was due only to this arrangement and NOT because there was something ‘sympatico’ about Judaism that made it cooperative and friendly with the other 2 faiths.
>>>I/we have never said Zionism is ‘not a problem’–It is, but the mistake that many people make in forming their understanding of it is that somehow it is distinct and different from Judaism like cold and hot water, which is not the case at all. Zionism is just the POLITICAL manifestation of Judaism, or rather, the practical application of the original ‘Zionism’ as clearly laid out in the various ‘holy’ books making up the beating heart of Judaism, to wit–<<<>>>Now, the only reason why for 2,000 years there was RELATIVE peace and quiet in the Middle East between Jews, Muslims and Christians is because the original Christians and then later the Muslims, did not allow the Jews to claw their way to the top and occupy positions of power over society, as both groups knew what would happen if that were to take place, and this RELATIVE peace ad quiet was due only to this arrangement and NOT because there was something ‘sympatico’ about Judaism that made it cooperative and friendly with the other 2 faiths.<<<<Editor
That may well be. In Iran today there are Jews who have been offered a great deal of money by "israel" to leave Iran and come to live in "israel" but those Jews of Iran turned down the money and said no thank you they were very happy where they are. They have their temples of worship and way of life is not disturbed by any one. Imagine that… those big bad Iranians being nice to Jews. They are not in positions of power there though. Yet they are contented with out that power. Else they would have taken the money and left.
It seems the Jews are a people who do not handle power very well. Not many human beings do handle it well.
But as for me where I am in all of this today is I feel so very hopeless now. When I first began researching all those years ago and then tried to educate others I had hope. I truly believed that its just a matter of communication is all. People just do not know whats going on. If they did then things would change. But that has not happened. In fact it all seems worse to me. People are not in the dark any longer. What hurt the most was I saw it was not that they did not know. It was that they did not care! How then can you change that? How then can we have hope when not near enough of us care?
Do you know when I really understood how hopeless it truely is? When I became educated on the story of the USS Liberty. That was the real kicker for me. How can any American still support "israel" after that? How could our government sacrifice our own service people for that abomination?
Not to mention 9-11 and all the evidence pointing to israeli involvement. But with the Liberty we have so many of our own service men who lived through it and were eye witnesses. There is undeniable evidence right in our faces and our people calling our own servicemen that were on that ship liars! Thats what we've done to them by not believing them and not even defending them!
Thats when I knew dear editor that its hopeless. The story of the Liberty did me in because it showed me pure and simple. There is no hope.
Then after learning of that I watched the helpless people of Gaza be slaughtered in front of my eyes. More than once. Children's dead burned bodies and their little bodies with bullet holes in them. Helpless people who never did a thing to any one to deserve it. Some of these people are kin to my family because they hail from Gaza. The "israelis" bombed their entire neighbor hood where they used to live and many of their family members still live. Bombed them in their hospitals and in their mosques while they prayed and in their homes in their beds while trying to sleep.
There used to be a lot of Mosques in Palestine where people went to pay respects to God. But now in what the world currently refers to as "israel homeland for the Jew only" Most of those mosques have been bulldozed over and some turned into the strip clubs. And hundreds of years old olive trees that the Palestinians both Christian and Muslim cared for as if they were their own children. The "israelis" bull dozed them down in front of them.
God save us from these monsters dear editor. But I truly feel He won't. Because He wants us to save ourselves and our people just will not.
So thats where I am now in all of this noise. I sit in sadness and dismay and occasionally come to places like this to gather with others who understand exactly how I feel. I'm just so tired now. Defeated and no longer have the strength to argue with people. Or try to get them to see. Because they do see.
The cold hard fact is they just don't care.
Who was it that said….
"There is none so blind as those who will not see"
ed note–LB, one again, you are correct in all you say and obviously made wise by many late nights of tears and trials of the soul.
Here is where you nailed it the best–
‘When I first began researching all those years ago and then tried to educate others I had hope. I truly believed that its just a matter of communication is all. People just do not know whats going on. If they did then things would change. But that has not happened. In fact it all seems worse to me. People are not in the dark any longer. What hurt the most was I saw it was not that they did not know. It was that they did not care! How then can you change that? How then can we have hope when not near enough of us care?’
As Jesus said, ‘Many are called, but few chose to answer…’
And that is where we are. The Devil (and his children) have taken over the earth and there are only a handful who recognize this to be the fact. Most do not care, and the others welcome the fact that he and his children have taken over.
So here is the bottom line LB–God does not expect you to perform miracles. He only expects you to do you best, which you do, and as all of us do here. We are only a handful of people, but that’s ok–the rest are infected with this terminal disease known as Jtosis, will die out and we will be the ones left to start over.
And I really do believe that is where our mission lies–to be the new seed and soil for when all of this starts over again, and this is where your hope needs to remain, not in today, for today is over, but in tomorrow.
>>>So here is the bottom line LB–God does not expect you to perform miracles. He only expects you to do you best, which you do, and as all of us do here. We are only a handful of people, but that’s ok–the rest are infected with this terminal disease known as Jtosis, will die out and we will be the ones left to start over.
And I really do believe that is where our mission lies–to be the new seed and soil for when all of this starts over again, and this is where your hope needs to remain, not in today, for today is over, but in tomorrow.<<<<Our esteemed Editor
Yes. I guess I do still hope because if I did not I would not keep having conversations about it. You know, I wonder if….
Perhaps some of the problem is not only a basic lack of caring but it could also be that so many Americans not only kept dumbed down but also so distracted with basically trying so hard each day to just keep a roof over their heads and food on the table that they just don't have time or the inclination to care about it.
Its all about distraction. Hardship, video games and entertainment to get a break from the hardship and even so many of our people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.
While these are all major obstacles to over come I would rather think they are the real reasons. I hope dear Editor hope hope hope its not that there are that many of us who actually love "israel" more than all other people on earth even more than our own. That there are that many of us who LOVE it that so many Arab people are being slaughtered every day on the behalf of "israel" and in our name.
I guess thats what I fear most.