8 thoughts on “Trump Sends FBI To Israel, Arrests Jewish Terrorists: A collage of Jewish False Flags”
  1. might as well
    while there
    attach hook to jewwall
    drag straight to guantanamo
    jew can double up in cell
    10,000 to cell
    many can hang from cell ceiling
    vampires anyway
    take jewsweat, jewarchitecture, jewethics, jewmorality
    if sea parts
    if not
    be at home

  2. A most enjoyable compilation. Tip of the iceberg as we know but… it is the tip that has been proven beyond a doubt to be a real problem.
    Donald promised the Jewish victims of these crimes that he would do something about it. He did. They cannot complain. He kept that promise to stop that particular fount of terrorism when he sent his agents to Israel.

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