Move comes hours after US president revived his assertion there were ‘bad dudes’ among those protesting the hate groups in Charlottesville
ed note–doubtless that from top to bottom, the angry white man’s brigade (otherwise known as the WN crowd) will engage in a concerted campaign of bitching (which is what they do best) over Trump’s actions on this matter, neglecting to consider/mention of course just how they–with their idiotic antics on a daily basis (and particularly with what took place in Charlottesville recently) put him in this position of being forced to sign this equally-idiotic resolution. They are not just their own worst enemy, they are everyone’s because of their unhinged behavior and the manner by which they allow themselves to fall into every trap left for them, a deadly character flaw on a collective level which unfortunately affects all of us in our drive to liberate Gentiledom from the clutches of Judea, Inc.
Wait for it, watch for it, because it is coming.
The Anglin worm is most likely very happy about his successes…
MG…Good lead-in; couldn’t have said it better. Incidentally, that pic of those nit-wit Khazars must be their version of the Charleston. And that one clown with his white socks and black trousers and shoes makes him a real fashion plate. He must have got suited and booted at his local second-hand Joooish clothier. He appeared on the front cover of the Khazar version of GQ. What a bunch of bums.
… but no resolution condemning Organized AntiCaucasianism and Organized AntiGentilism?
“They are not just their own worst enemy, they are everyone’s because of their unhinged behavior and the manner by which they allow themselves to fall into every trap left for them, a deadly character flaw on a collective level which unfortunately affects all of us in our drive to liberate Gentiledom from the clutches of Judea, Inc.”
Do tell us… oh wise Ugly Truther… what course should any disgruntled “white nationalist” follow? The indigenous inheritors of our Founding Fathers are trying to squirm their way out of the slime of 3 generations of poisonous liberalism which has left them bereft of any semblance of their heritage, pride, hope and dreams of a decent future for their progeny. You can sit there behind your computer screen and lambast their folly with arrogant aplomb. But, regardless… future events will become more and more “unhinged” as the sealed kettle reaches its explosive climax. True wisdom looks to nature for prescience. You should opine with a tad more sympathy for the white man. He has been laid low against the natural order and his reemergence and reclamation will be explosive whether you like it or not.
ed note–no one said there are not legit grievances for whites, nor that they do not possess the absolute right to work for what is in their best interests.
But there is a smart way and a dumb way to do it. Jews do not win by luck, they do it because they sit down and very methodically do all the pluses and minuses and come up with this thing known as a STRATEGY, something which Gentiles unfortunately do not do. Instead, they come out beating their chests like gorillas and hollering, thinking that by dong so that magically all the pieces are going to fall into place. Charlottesville was a perfect example of this.
Imagine for a moment, all that energy, instead of being put into trying to defend a statue that few to any know about, much less appreciate, is put towards demonstrations every week in the streets of America to end the wars in the Middle East. Imagine signs, numbering in the MILLIONS, as MILLIONS of whites pour out every week, reading ‘REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY’ and ‘NEVER FORGET THE 5 DANCING ISRAELIS ON 911’ and ‘AMERICA NEEDS THE 30 MILLION $ A DAY THAT IS SENT TO ISRAEL BETTER THAN ANYONE’.
Now THAT is political activism that makes the Jews nervous, not a bunch of angry whites dressing up as Nazis, waving the swastika and wearing white robes.
What’s disconcerting more than anything else about this is that something such as this, as simple as pouring piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel, has to actually be EXPLAINED to people, as if it were some kind of complicated math. It isn’t. Until Gentiles decide that they are tired of losing and start fighting smart than all this noise we see taking place will do nothing more than to aid the enemy, and this latest business of Trump being forced to sign this stupid resolution is irrefutable proof of this fact.
TUT does not seem to understand that there is controlled opposition, ie ALT_RIGHT, and honest to goodness WN. You collect a good amount of “How they do it” kind of news but I do not need this feed to see it, know it, and find it. I am also sick of the Trump love…get over it already.
ed note– We understand all too well that there is controlled op and we understand that there is honest to goodness WN. The problem however is that the ratio between the two is somewhere around 1000 to 1.
How many ‘honest to goodness’ WNs were critical of the recent events taking place in Charlottesville and called the idiots out?
Answer–few to none.
How many ‘honest to goodness’ WNs are utilizing their resources wisely and instead of bitching about immigration, spend their efforts exposing the main cause of this problem, (at least as of late) meaning the wars in the Middle East that have led to the displacement of tens of millions of people?
Answer–few to none, and in fact, when a discussion of this type IS started, those same ‘honest to goodness’ WNs react with fury and deny with a staright face that the wars have anything to do with it, and please don’t tell me this is not the case because I deal with it–literally–every single day.
And lastly, as far as your ‘Trump love’ statement–it is obvious you have not been paying attention, given the fact that over the course of the last year, we have stated, clearly and unequivocally somewhere between a million and a billion times, that we do not ‘support’ Trump, but rather that what we are trying to do is to add at least a dash of reality to the discussion in the midst of hack political ‘experts’ proffering their ‘expert’ advice on very complicated political matters and who should just shut up and wait for events to play out before they render half-assed opinions about things that they don’t understand as well as they imagine.
Trump condemns Nationalism. White Supremacist don’t exists except in the minds of brainwashed fools by the Jewish owned media.
ed note–White Supremacism DOES exist, and all anyone need do is visit any site such as Daily Stormer or Stormfront at any given moment on any given day for proof of this, where blacks are candidly and unapologetically referred to as ‘niggers’, ‘coons’, etc, Hispanics are referred to as ‘wetbacks’ and ‘spics’ and Muslims are called ‘hajjis’ and ‘sand niggers’. The fact that this even needs to be explained goes a long way I think towards a better understanding on our part as to why our enemy makes constant progress in his war against us and why we don’t gain as much as a milimeter a day.
Jews ARE white supremacists! White Jews invented Zionism and are running the show over in the Zioentity at this moment. They treat blacks horribly and put them in giant prisons out in the desert. Even black Jews have been force sterilized. Black/ Brown Jews are NOT considered up to par with the white ones in Zioland. And we all know about the Palestinians and Arabs. Not to mention that they invented and ran the African slave trade for hundreds of years!! And they have the nerve to call OTHER PEOPLE “supremacists”. But thats not really surprising.
*Joe*- White people ARE NOT indigenous to the USA. They are from EUROPE! Duh. 99% of Americans are NOT INDIGENOUS at this point in time.
I remember Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers’ 1962 escape from Alcatraz, and I thought, “Hm.. Anglin. Kind of an unusual surname; I wonder if they’re related?”
Then it occurred to me: Impossible! Clarence and John Anglin ESCAPED ALCATRAZ, for Pete’s sake; THIS Anglin can’t even GET OUT OF HIS OWN WAY!
Whew! I don’t believe I’ve ever come across such idiotic flummery as are the supporters of this “Daily Stormer” rubbish. These blackguards aren’t even able to put forth a cogent argument in defence of their foolish position. They’ve really done a rum job of it, running about in their bed sheets and jackboots, and lauding the fact that one of their former cell-mates killed a young girl. Indeed, their antics have reduced them in the minds of most as nothing more than half-educated nincompoops.
And, as for Trump, isn’t it just a bit early for these neanderthals to expect that the POTUS was going to engage in some slash and burn strategy the minute he jumped into office. But naturally, this just goes to show how little these troglodytes know about diplomacy. Trump, at this point in time, is doing a balancing act, trying to keep body and soul together to at least accomplish something against the many forces allied against him. And it helps not at all for a lot of dimwitted hillbillies carrying on like a bunch of lunatics claiming for themselves the title of the vanguard of White Nationalism: a dubious honour at best. Those who still have a modicum of logic left are well aware that whites, in the US, are declining as are those on the European continent. As TUT so eloquently phrased it, these thugs need to get to the nut of the matter and begin focusing their attention on the real issue: Judea, Inc. instead of worrying themselves silly over a bunch of lichen-covered statues since the Judiacs are the ones responsible for all this havoc in the first place.
But, no, just keep carrying on with your schoolyard antics and sooner than you imagine there won’t be a white left to quibble over what’s left of so-called white culture. You lunar stuck madmen are digging not only for yourselves but for the rest of us a final resting place which is just what Judiacs want.
Until WNs can retract their collective heads from their collective anal pores, there is nothing that will be accomplished. Let the Jews tell you themselves the hellstorm they have planned. And take it to THEIR bank.
“Instead, they come out beating their chests like gorillas and hollering, thinking that by dong so that magically all the pieces are going to fall into place. Charlottesville was a perfect example of this.”
Most of the folks at that rally were decent law-abiding Americans, sir. You take the few oddball kooks that the media glommed onto in their white robe and single swastika flag. This was NOT the general makeup of the gathering. Most simply wanted to air their grievances against the desecration of Confederate heroes, the insanity of open borders, the lunacy of political correctness. The Unite the Right rally was a genuine effort to unite various factions against the (((eternal foes))) just as the Left unites queers, feminists, jews, communists, etc… into their big-umbrella camp.
The physical thrust (unlike the keyboard commando variety espoused by TUT) of the normal white man against his oppressors has to begin somewhere and with any kind of motion. Even if there were this perfect well-thought-out gathering (ala your lauded Jewish method), the villains who control the media and local governments would have made up some other criminal story against those gatherers. So, you see… there is no mature stratagem that will work against such an unscrupulous and immoral enemy. Therefore, ANY attempt by our side to freely gather and communicate our ideas should be praised… not criticized.
ed note–now, having participated in quote a few protests and rallies myself, the way that it usually works is he the group or organization applying for the permit gets to decide who the participants are and who the participants aren’t.
Which means that all the characters decked out in the Nazi regs, the guys in the white robes and pointed hats, the AR-15 toting Rambo wannabes, etc, were there because the protest organizers permitted them and in doing so, handed the Jews as much a victory as all those benighted Arabs taking part in the ‘Arab Spring’ and through whose showmanship various dictators that had lived past their prime were removed (as planned) and replaced with new Zionist-backed thugs.
I am sure there were many good, decent, law abiding, patriotic white people there. The problem was/is that they have no concept whatsoever about how to prosecute a perception war and thus assisted the Jews in putting enormous political pressure on Trump which has now led to him signing this ridiculous resolution against ‘racism’.
And as far as the ‘keyboard commando’ business you referenced, you obviously have no idea what this little endeavor encompasses. When I am not behind the keyboard acting as a ‘commando’, I am in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and other places, putting my life at risk and using my real name, real face, and real voice in the process. By contrast, no one knows anything about ‘Joe41865’, a real keyboard commando, and I am sure there is no dedicated page on the ADL website (as there is for yours truly), no dedicated page on the SPLC website (as there is for yours truly), nor does ‘Joe41865’ get regular visits from federal agents wanting to have a chat. I am sure he is not on a security watch list when he travels that causes him to be taken into a room where he is interrogated thoroughly, causing him to miss flight after flight after flight.
I could go on with dozens of other criteria differentiating this ‘keyboard commando’ with ‘Joe41865’ but I honestly don’t have the time or the interest.
Suffice it to say however that there are those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk and I think within the context of this little exercise in compare and contrast we can figure out just who is who.
It’s anathema to hit women, but in the case of Barbara Spectre, I’d make an exception: a good smash in her smelly teeth.
Kerry Bolton is working on a biography of Francis Parker Yockey (who,among other things, worked for Nasser in Egypt for a while). I don’t know what happened to the late MCP’s papers/library, but if available they may contain something of use to that project. Yockey wrote for the newspaper Common Sense under the alias Frank Healey. Mike often mentioned Common Sense on his radio show and sometimes read material from that paper on the air.
Masterful. What a huuuuuuuuuuge payoff Soro et al got for their AntiFa investment in riling up the knuckleheads. Check and mate! The white nationalists are their own worst enemies! And they always will be as long as they react in the way the Jewish power WANTS THEM TO REACT.
ed note–excellent point, and you are 100,000% correct. As soon as Soros & co knew this protest over this statue was set, everything else was arranged in order to put enormous political pressure on Trump, and the idiots in the WN crowd fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and what’s worse–even to this day–they still don’t realize the bigger implications of what took place and the role they played in all of it in helping to advance the aims and agenda of the very same people whom they claim to be opposing.
“Suffice it to say however that there are those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk and I think within the context of this little exercise in compare and contrast we can figure out just who is who.”
With that last reply, the editor of TUT fully exhibits both his character and the integrity of his website. Wow.
ed note–it’s generally SOP on this website whereby when this inevitable stage of the ‘debate’ arrives where the commenter in question–left with no other response than the written equivalent of sticking his tongue out–is relegated to the netherworld of IP blockage. Experience has taught me–having done this/dealt with this somewhere between a million and a billion times–that it is inherently impossible to reason with an inherently irrational and intellectually immature individual and therefore, in the interests of not perpetuating an already useless cycle of debate, to simply push the ‘end’ button on the discussion and to move along to more productive endeavors.
Having said that, I did allow this post to go through in order to make a point, or rather, to reinforce a point that is made here regularly about certain pedigrees within this ‘movement’ and the manner by which they are a drag on our collective ability to deal rationally with the very serious problems we all face these days.
The example in this case features ‘Joe,’ about whom we know nothing, other than he has his panties in a knot over commentary appearing on this website that paints the idiocy taking place in Charlottesville recently in a light less favorable that what he prefers. In his most recent comment, he charges that yours truly is nothing more than a ‘keyboard commando’ who does not know what it is really like to operate on the ‘front lines’ of this battle. The response on the part of yours truly was to make a very partial list of just what it is I do/have done that FAR exceeds the usual biz making up the activities of the average ‘truther’, including the use of my real name, real face, real voice, etc.
And the response on the part of our disgruntled WN, about whom we know nothing other than he/she goes by the name ‘Joe’ is that listing the aforementioned items proving my bona fides is proof of having neither ‘integrity’ nor character’.
Yes, I realize it is a tedious exercise fellow Gentiles, but there is a point to it all which we endeavor to point out on a regular basis–in this thing, there are thinkers and there are stinkers. The thinkers are few in number whereas the stinkers proliferate, and it is our duty if we are to truly succeed in this endeavor that the stinkers be identified, called out for what they are and isolated from any of our activities, either collective or individual, because at the end of the day, they have neither the character, integrity nor intelligence necessary to contribute what is needed in securing that victory. They are a waste of time and a waste of good oxygen that would be better served in other endeavors.