ed note–again, L&G, all of the ‘Jrama’ taking place in the Oval Office between POTUS DJT and the Judaic terrorist/warlord Zelensky needs to be viewed through the lens of what are Israeli foreign policy objectives with regards to Ukraine.


Firsto, Ukraine is the racial/historical headquarters of the bulk of today’s Judah-ites. The infamous ‘Khazar Empire’ from which most of Jracula’s children trace their lineage was headquartered in Ukraine and thus, just as the original ‘fabric’ making up America descended from the same Great Britain from whence it originated, likewise, today’s Ukraine functions as a forward operating base for Judea’s plans viz destroying the very Christian nation of Russia.


Now, as to the shouting match between POTUS DJT and the Judaic terrorist/warlod Zelensky, pay close attention to the broader points of what DJT said–


‘You owe us. We gave you billions of dollars and therefore not only are you on the hook for all that money which we plan to repossess, you are also going to do what we say with regards to pulling the lit fuse on WWIII/Armageddon…’


…Just as POTUS DJT might as well be saying to Netanyahu and his plans for a ‘peace deal’ in the Middle East…





The US will ‘not put up’ with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s remarks where he stated that the war with Russia will likely continue for the near future, US President Donald Trump said on Monday.


In a post on Truth Social that shared an AP story quoting Zelensky as saying the end of the war is ‘very, very far away,’ Trump said, ‘This is the worst statement that could have been made by Zelensky, and America will not put up with it for much longer!’


‘It is what I was saying: This guy doesn’t want peace as long as he has America’s backing, and Europe, in the meeting they had with Zelensky, stated flatly that they cannot do the job without the US,’ Trump said.


Trump and Zelensky spoke of Ukraine’s future in a public Oval Office meeting on Friday, which ended with Zelensky being told to leave White House early. 


Minutes before Zelensky’s premature departure, the US president and his vice president, JD Vance, shared an explosive confrontation with the Ukrainian president in which Trump accused Zelensky of being ungrateful for the support provided by the United States.


Vance accused Zelensky of being ‘disrespectful’ and demanded he thank Trump. 


Trump warned that failing to accept a US-led peace deal with Russia, which invaded Ukraine in 2022, would mean ‘gambling with World War III.’


‘You’re either going make a deal, or we’re out,’ Trump added. ‘And if we’re out, you’ll fight it out, and I don’t think it’s going to be pretty.’



Future of US-Ukraine relations


Zelensky later said he believed the relationship could still be salvaged, but that he and Trump would need to continue discussions behind closed doors.


‘We need real peace, and Ukrainians want it most because the war ruins our cities and towns. We lose our people. We need to stop the war and to guarantee security,’ Zelensky posted on X/Twitter on Monday.


‘We are working together with America and our European partners and very much hope for US support on the path to peace. Peace is needed as soon as possible.’

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