ed note–please keep in mind, this is PRECISELY what the Palestinians have called for, the dividing of the city between West Jerusalem (Israel) and East Jerusalem (Palestine) and therefore all the screeching over Trump’s ‘declaration’ has been for nothing, since he made clear in said declaration that it did not in any way imply Israeli control over the entire city, but merely represented ‘reality’, in that Israel’s government business takes place there.
This is what happens when people–torqued up on emotionalism rather than utilizing their God-given ability to reason–do not listen carefully and think critically and in the process, allow themselves to be turned into ‘drugged cockroaches scurrying around’, borrowing an extremely ugly phrase once used by Mossad thug Rafael Eitan. In the end it only serves the interests of our common enemy who sits back, watches it all taking place before him and laughs himself silly.