The millions of Americans who lap up his bluster are just as depressing as the cynical Republicans who won’t disown him
ed note–not that it should need explanation or reiteration, nevertheless, Jews as a group don’t go around calling people ‘NAZIS’ if said persons are in their camp, on their payroll and working to further the interests of Judea Inc, a little factoid to consider the next time some expert in ‘duh muuvmnt’ is claiming that Trump wants to get WWIII started in order to pave the way for the creation of ‘Greater Israel’.
Trump is a character, but he is no different then the last nine administrations he works for the BANK and the FEW. We did not remove any of the last nine scoundrels, what makes Trump any different.
ed note–once again, surprise, surprise, the ‘experts’ refuse to deal with the ‘elephant in the room’, which is the almost UNIVERSAL opposition to Trump from organized Jewish interests. Rather than do the problematic math that requires a certain degree of abstract thinking, instead they fall back on the same old/same old, which is the superficial criteria surrounding Trump’s associations and things he says for reasons rooted in public consumption.
Had these same people been around in 1960, they would have been claiming that JFK was ‘owned by the Jews’ based upon that same superficial criteria they are using in declaring Trump and his admin to be just like the ‘last nine’.
Editor… I think the truth lies somewhere in between.
The jews hate Trump because they are spoiled and used to puppets who are 100% in their camp. Trump is only 90%… and that makes him a threat. Remember that paranoia is perhaps the most outstanding jewish trait. Having lived an existence of lies and parasitism for so long, they must constantly be looking over their shoulders with suspicion and mistrust of any and all gentiles.
When Hitler came to power, he made no pretenses as to his attitudes and dealings with the jews infecting Germany. Trump appoints them to positions of great power and allows his (((son in law))) to influence him at the inner most level. This is not a man the tribe needs to fear. But again, because he is not 100% in their thrall and has the financial means to withstand their usual boycott/slander strategy, he is an enigma to them. Just my two cents.
ed note–I agree and yet slightly disagree. Yes, the truth does lie somewhere in the middle.
Yes, ,the Jews want 100% control, but they are willing to take less in order to move forward, even if it is only 1/2 a step in stead of the usual 3. They have demonstrated in the past where they will take the ‘lesser of 2 evils’ politically in the hopes that eventually, they will make so-and-so politico 100% compliant through the process of kvetching, enticements and threats.
I believe the problem that they have with Trump is that they know he is impervious to such methods, especially after having done business with them for decades in the NY real estate business. They dealt with him on hundreds or even thousands of occasions, no doubt utilizing the same aforementioned process of kvetching, threats ad enticements, and learned first hand what they can expect when dealing with him, coupled with the fact that he is indeed an alpha male type that won’t take to being pushed around by anyone.
The article is full of errors. It hops on the lies and hammers them in as fact. IE the Russian meddling and contributes nothing to the conversation.
Another media whore licking its wounds.
Trump & the USA Zionist media – BOTH PAID IN FULL $$$$ !!!
Nothing but good ol’ drama………….keeping most people distracted, while the NWO agenda continuing to WWIII….
Well they say, just ‘cos yer paranoid … don’t mean they’re not out to git ya. Chemi is undoubtedly onto something when he says… “Trump’s ‘base’ … loves his bluster and laps it up. They hate the media no less than him. Their appetite for his wild attacks is insatiable. They continue to support him, no matter what…”
Tick. In that sense, Trump’s user base is just as blinded by partisan / clan loyalty as Obongo’s ‘liberal / progressive’ base. It scarcely matters what Trump actually does. As long as he hammers the increasingly detested Jewish Meeja, he is doing his job. Trouble is, in the meantime … is he doing much if anything to ‘make America great’ again? And was that ever a remote possibility?
Method in the madness? Or madness in the method? … “The best-case scenario now is that Trump is engaged in a calculated and cynical strategy … The worst-case scenario … is that Trump’s outbursts are a symptom of overall insanity.” NOTHING the Trumpeter does, he does alone. The Trump ‘phenomenon’ is just as carefully crafted and stage managed as anything that preceded it.
Just part of the good ol’ ‘Strategy o’ Tension’ “… Trump is an existential danger to America and the rest of the world.” Total distraction. We KNOW who and what is the existential danger to America and the rest of the world. And it ain’t the Trump.
Oh yes I’m the great pretender (ooh ooh)
Adrift in a world of my own (ooh ooh)
I play the game but to my real shame
You’ve left me to dream all alone
Too real is this feeling of make believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can’t conceal
This Shalev person had the cojones to even lie that “White Russians” (aka, gentile Russian nationalists) had “pogroms against Jews”….It was the other way around Shalev.