Trump couldn’t wait until Netanyahu joined him in Washington on Monday, and his calculated move right before the election could cause Israel serious damage
ed note–as we like to say here often, BY ALL MEANS, all the experts out there now ‘losing themselves in the moment’ over Trump’s tweet this afternoon, PAY NO MIND WHATSOEVER to glaringly important pieces such as this.
Now, for those who do maintain an open mind and flexible perspective on the more often than not complicated and even convoluted nature of politics where Judea, Inc plays a very heavy hand, please note the following on the part of our unesteemed Hebraic author–
1. That NO ONE who pays an ounce of attention to the maneuvers which Trump has made with regards to Israel even before taking office should have been in the least bit surprised that he made this decision, which, at this moment, was nothing more than a tweet. No Executive Order, not him sending an official request to Congress to write up the necessary legislation that would change official US policy on the issue of the Golan for the last 50 years, just a tweet that had the desired effect–Jews all over the world and especially in the Levantine Lunatic asylum singing Trump’s praises as the ‘greatest friend’ that Israel has ever had.
…And all of this taking place right before–
1. A VERY beleaguered Netanyahu comes to DC for the AIPAC conference, at which time he is also supposed to meet with Trump,
2. Just a few weeks prior to Trump unveiling his ‘Ultimate Peace Deal’ which the right-wingers in Israel (who not so coincidentally are the ones now reacting with orgasmic fervor over Trump’s tweet) are going to be the toughest to bring on board.
Now, from our unesteemed Hebraic author–
‘There is near-complete consensus among Israelis on both the left and right today that under no circumstances should Israel relinquish its control over the strategic Golan Heights, and certainly not following eight years of war within Syria, during which Iran and Hezbollah have entrenched their presence on Israel’s northern border.’
Which means that Trump has just won for himself the favor of both the lefties and righties in Israel just prior to his upcoming peace deal and all it took was a simple tweet.
‘Trump’s gesture is empty — just as his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was. It won’t change the status of the Golan Heights with regards to international law, and with the exception of a few client-states in Latin America, no other country is going to follow suit.’
Again, a simple tweet that has sent millions of Jews (and who knows how many ‘experts’ out there) into fits of hot and heavy emotionalism and all it took was a Twitter account to do it.
‘On the reverse side, Trump’s statement is also likely to cause Israel diplomatic damage by focusing international attention on the Golan Heights, when there was absolutely no pressure on Israel to end its 51-year presence there anyway. Trump’s tweet does not obligate the next president, and a reversal by a future U.S. administration would do more damage to Israel than the good that would come from Trump’s recognition.’
Across the board on all the ‘alternative’ websites it is almost exclusively ‘apoplectic’. They are acting as if it has now become law when in fact it was only a tweet.
There is, at least of those I have perused, only one website that is taking a more measured and rational position towards this development and it is once again right here, which is why when I really want to get a better idea about what’s going on, I come here, as it leaves all the others in the dust.
thank you editors for the hard work you do that is matched nowhere else.
Building up to major confrontation!
A&A and Staś,
Yes, I notice these facts as well. This website does make all others eat the dust, and I mean “All others”.
Trump is playing his cards close to the vest and the majority of sleeping lazy retards just don’t get it, thus they spew their assumptions as though they mean something of fact. Trump is way too smart for typical retards to figure out, so their normal reaction is to not like him. Boy do they have everything all wrong.
The Roman town of Caesarea Philippi is part of the foothill of the Golan Heights where Jesus said to Peter “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter (little stone), and upon this rock (the entire hill is a monolith) I will build my church; and the gates of hell ( tourist spot there as Cave of Pan ) shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16)
You can google the Cave of Pan in Google map: 33.2488437,35.6944376 where Jezebel throw baby sacrifice to lure Baal to come out for rain, Greek called it the grotto of Pan, and King Philip built the temple of Augustus along with many recesses (alcoves) for a collection of idols like the Pantheon of Rome.
The Church was built on Jesus our Rock above all the world religions below. That is why the cave of Hell cannot defeat the body of Christ.