ed note–as always, a cargo ship of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, we will start with the title itself–
‘Trump’s Second Slap to Israel’s Face in Ignoring the Menace of Hezbollah’
As of the moment of this writing, Trump has not yet even taken the oath of office, and yet we can see–PLAINLY–what the ‘relationship’ is between him and the Jews.
Ever since he maneuvered for the ceasefire and the release of the hostages in Gaza, the Jews–both in Israel and in America (albeit much more cautious in the language they have been using here in the US) are declaring Trump an ‘Enemy of Zion’ and as such are engaging in the very same language/actions that they have always done prior to their moving forwards with their plans of destroying someone who refuses to bow before them.
Now, this is an important thing of which to take note, and for several reasons which are discussed below, to wit–
1. This is not the ‘new Trump’, as many short-sighted ‘analysts’, podcasters, bloggers, etc, whose claim to fame is their ‘expertcy’ on all things related to Israel, Zionism, the Palestinian situation, etc, are now claiming.
Judea’s war against Trump began IMMEDIATELY upon him announcing in 2016 that he was seeking the office of POTUS and has not let up in the 8 years since that time. We won’t overwhelm this discussion with an itemized list of the million acts of political (AND REAL) violence against Trump that have been part and parcel of Judea’s war against him, but suffice it to say, that all those who somehow ‘missed’ what has taken place in the last 8 years or who have chalked all of this up to ‘an act’ or to ‘political theater’ need to be forever dismissed as credible sources of analysis when it comes to the topsy-turvey nature of modern-day geo-politics where the Jews are concerned.
2. The very first sentence of our deranged Hebraic author’s piece below, i.e. that ‘Trump’s warning about there viz ‘hell to pay’ actually being aimed more at Israel and not Hamas…
To the best of our knowledge, ladies and Gentile-men (and we certainly hope that we are wrong about this, but fear we are not) we here at this humble little informational endeavor were not only the very first to make this assessment, i.e. that Trump’s threat was aimed more at Israel than it was at Hamas, but indeed, remain one of a VERY SMALL number of voices saying exactly that.
Furthermore, the statement on the part of our deranged Hebraic terrorist that ‘the incoming president plans to erase Israel’s security accomplishments in south Lebanon’ viz warning that the ceasefire between the Pirates of Judea and Hezbollah ‘better hold’, reveals the fact that the invasions of both Gaza and Lebanon, as well as what has taken place in Syria, AS WELL AS WHAT THE JEWS WERE/ARE PLANNING TO DO WITH REGARDS TO JORDAN AND EGYPT, were, as we have stated here for many years, not related at all to ‘security’, but rather to expanding the borders of the Jypsy State per the ‘protocols’ of what Torah Judah-ism commands & demands, to wit–
‘And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…’ –Book of Deuteronomy 1:6–8
And now, we have it from no less an authority source than the Jews themselves who understand now that they got played, that Trump fed into their bottomless and insatiable greed and that what he was actually doing all along was maneuvering them with the same kind of feigned subservience to them and their demands (which they are accustomed to receiving when it comes to American politicos) so that he could put a noose around their necks and force them into doing what he wanted all along.
We say this, ladies and Gentile-men, not in the interests of building up ourselves per se, but rather as a warning to all of you out there who have allowed (and continue to allow) yourselves to this day to be ‘played’ by various ‘analysts’ within the anti-Zionist/pro-Palestinian neighborhood, who, time and again, have totally screwed up ‘the math’ that is involved in all of this deadly-serous business.
We have been given a second chance with Trump’s re-election, ladies and Gentile-men, to bring an end to all of this inhumanity and suffering, let’s not allow it to get screwed up again.
By David Israel for The Jewish Press
After it turned out that Trump’s warning about the ‘hell to pay’ should the hostages not be out by the time he is inaugurated was aimed at Israel, not Hamas, dragging PM Netanyahu into making the very suicidal concessions he had resisted for more than a year, it now appears that the incoming president plans to erase Israel’s security accomplishments in south Lebanon as well.
Israeli officials have been saying that the Lebanese military is not living up to its obligations under the ceasefire agreement, doing nothing to push Hezbollah north of the Litani River, and are, in fact, alerting Hezbollah terrorists in south Lebanon about upcoming IDF weapons searches.
Trump’s PR messages are dedicated to presenting a reality in which as soon as the president-elect arrived on the scene, the war in Gaza ended, and peace reigned on the Israel-Lebanon border. Trump browbeat Netanyahu into accepting the Gaza part of the message, but now Hezbollah has been warning that should the IDF remain north of the border after the 60 days of the ceasefire are up it would resume the shooting war with Israel.
These warnings are threatening the second part of Trump’s PR message, and the solution is, once again, browbeating Bibi.
The Jerusalem Post revealed Thursday night that sources close to Trump have warned Israeli officials, stating, ‘We don’t want the ceasefire agreement in Lebanon to collapse.’
This means that no matter how successful or miserably failing the Lebanese army is at handling Hezbollah, the IDF must withdraw from south Lebanon at the appointed time, just as it is going to withdraw from all its security assets in Gaza.
How bad are Bibi’s chances to persuade Trump to see things his way? Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), possibly Israel’s best and most dedicated friend on the Hill, told Kan11 News on Thursday that relations between the Trump administration and Israel will be strong and solid, and that the agreement to the hostage deal did not result from Trump’s pressure on Netanyahu: ‘It’s not just Bibi, but a large majority of Israelis who understood that a deal needed to be made to return their hostages,’ Graham said.
Graham knows better than that. He may even know that the majority of coalition voters object to the hostage deal in its latest form (48% to 40% in a Thursday night Direct Polls survey). But ever the political survivor, who morphed into a MAGA warrior minutes after condemning Trump for the January 6, 2021 insurrection, Senator Graham prefers to ignore the disastrous consequences of releasing close to 2,000 terrorists, 400 of them into Judea and Samaria where they can start murdering Jews right after munching the last baklawa.
And like the entire world media as well as Israel’s mainstream media, Graham ignores the immediate consequences of an IDF withdrawal from Rafah and the Philadelphi corridor, where mountains of arms and ammunition paid for by Iran are waiting to be transported into Hamas’s hands from the Egyptian side of the borders.
And they ignore the fact that the remaining hostages, dead and alive, could be smuggled across the border and end up in Tehran should the IDF be gone from the scene in southern Gaza.
Back to the second Trump slap in one week: the Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli officials have sought to convey to their US counterparts that the Lebanese Army’s deployment has been slow and inadequate, allowing Hezbollah to maintain a significant presence in the region. As a result, Israeli officials argue that their continued presence in the area is crucial.
Israel also wants the US to remain involved in the monitoring mechanism over the ceasefire in south Lebanon, but if the orders from Washington to US officials on the ground are to ignore Hezbollah’s territorial violations while restraining the IDF from responding – then we have just entered a nightmare.
As we say in the Ashkenazi selichot: ‘We have turned to the right and there is no savior; to the left and there is no support, and for us, we can rely on no one except upon You, our Father in heaven.’
If the US was 93% occupied by China and you and your family were in a refugee camp while Chinese lived in your former home…..what would YOU do?
these filthy jews have almost caused a civil war in the USA ,reduced our nation to a laughingstock worldwide ,sickened and killed millions, reduced the quality of life in the USA to the lowest point in decades , stollen trillions of our tax dollars, we have dogged a bullet like Trump and if there is no real consequences the civil war will begin ,there must be executions for the career criminal, mentally disturbed maniacs who have committed these murderous acts, pogrom the USA now.