What’s behind the astonishing rise of an anti-Islam movement in Germany?
The Truth movement appears to be in a nascent form in Germany, looks like it will b one of the first states that will persecute the designated scapegoats. http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=108405
MJ … Great Reminders in your posts, a bit of a solace to read after the sad news I saw this morning. May the deceased innocent be in the Mercy from Allah’s Presence. Ameen.
… And here, overall … it’s God’s Will that Russia will be on the side of Islam (and against the Islamists) *UNTIL* Zionists are wrecked (Hadeeth) … and, yes, Russia WILL annihilate the Western Civilization forever (as a payback for too many ferocities that Russia has /received suffered from them)! … We only hope that the incredibly cunning Illuminati (riding Satan’s ‘reprieve’) doesn’t use Russia’s anger/ actions to still get ‘their’ agenda advanced. And we hope that more and more people recognize that a secular (pro-Imperial) stance won’t buy them any more than a couple years or less (till the nukes fall), wherein the seculars are losing ‘Both Worlds’!
Meanwhile, it would may be a really timely and virtuous deed if the great minds (and hearts) that converge at Ugly Truth could establish a way to identify the Real Taliban apart from the [CIA-manufactured] Fake Taliban that’s out on the prowl, now, on behalf of Zionists.
To Melody”WW2 was not about German Imperialism”. Nor was WW1. Germany had to be wiped our in th efirst over her rivalry with the IMPERIALIST British jewish Empire,and France. In WW2,Hitlers magnificent restoration of the economy,along with his allies Japans ,duringa boycott,and world wide Depression ;by banishing Jewish Finance had to go..Germany was declared war upon by the Jew in 1933,andthey agitated for war,until they got it,withthe Allied Declaration September 3,1939…I get sick,about those who take on the Jews,yet think it clever to use bad Old Anti-German analogies to justify it. SEE:BEN FREEDMAN WARNS AMERICA ABOUT THE JEWS 1961. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD ,YT. THE NATIONLIST SOLUTION TO MONEY _Real Jew News.Com. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO YT. HITLERS WAR:What Historians Fail To Mention YT… I wish a real German Nationalism would rise,and throw off NATO,and the EU-an Ost Politik.
You are Welcome Lasilenca and Human Melody 1 and Ameen regarding your supplication for the deceased.
@ Dante Ardenz … You got me wrong. I’m not Anti-German at all (just Pro God in everything, really)! Perhaps it’s my fault that I didn’t make my stance clear to all (although I’m sure the folks at Ugly Truth, who’ve been ahead of the game (in decoding Truth) for a while now, understand my stance clearly) … or perhaps you and I only just met, so I need to clarify things to you. [I speak from a rather big picture, so please read this with an open mind.]
[Before I begin, please know that I have been a Targeted Individual (I’m guessing you know what that is) since the late 90’s, which I didn’t realize until much later, when my life was already falling apart thanks to the Secret Society. My introduction to terms like ‘Zionism’, ‘Imperialism’, ‘Covert Harassment’ and ‘Torture’ are from “lived experiences/nightmares”! So, a lot of what I say is not from secondary literature review … it’s from first hand experience wherein ‘they’ revealed ‘their’ true intent and machinations in their persecutions on me! I hate to say this: I find it easy to tell, by now, what and who ‘they’re’ really after!]
I SHUDDERED from the core of my Sense of Justice, Humanity, Heart and Creed/ Deen … when I read this (Hellstorm) : http://www.darkmoon.me/page/3/ . It’s a pity that the Holocaust-brainwashed people don’t see the satanic reversal behind the hoax — that it was, in fact, the Germans and Gentiles that suffered FAR more atrocity than did a few Jews. [Please contrast the typical media lies these days — where typical Westerners are crying over the 3 Israeli lives lost for every 30,000 Palestinian ones! I understand that THOSE Germans knew how wrong such bias feels! However, do also note, in contrast, how the Palestinians are not fighting for any racial or nationalistic dominance/ intent.. it’s pure defence against Satan, and a fight for the freedom that all nations/ colors/ creeds deserve (that’s ‘Islam’).] [Also, I see the Red Army’s characteristics in ISIS, today … if you can see what I mean. The “Cancer” that turned Russia into “USSR” … has now moved out and infected other hosts! I hope you follow.]
The USSR was a heinous entity, in many aspects, no doubt… and some justifiably argue that the USSR is NOT representative of the Russia before it or the Russia today. Please note how you mentioned : (1) Hitler’s magnificent restoration of the economy (out of corruption/ depression that arose from the poison of USURY), (2) Germany had to be wiped out by her British-Jewish rivals, (3)
The Jew declared war upon Germany! … … Do you see how all three are applicable to Putin’s Russia today? … He restored the economy, his British-American-EU-Jewish (a bigger gang-up than that on Germany) are out to vilify him and stall his Russia, and his (although debated) stance against the Illuminati has sparked all tell-tale signs that the Jews have declared war on Russia (THROUGH Western Proxy)! … In other words, the ultra-cunning Serpentines have placed Russia on the same spot (for WW3) where they had put Germany (for WW2). http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/anti-putin-propaganda-not-working/
Further, when I read Excerpts from Mein Kampf : http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/adolf-hitler-excerpts-mein-kampf/ … I could empathize with all of his deliberations (and his rights) except the ones rooted in Racial Superiority. Imagine, if he didn’t have that part in his mission, and fought strictly for the triumph of “Good over Evil” and not “Germany/ German Race over all else” … then he’d go down in history as a true hero. There are a BUNCH of reasons why he couldn’t be a legit hero : (1) he was mind-controlled and satanically possessed (it’s not his fault, I’ll give you that), which indicates that he was raised/ groomed by the Illuminati (which is true for ALL Iluminati puppet leaders around the globe, incl. Obama); (2) his war wasn’t “ONLY for the sake of God, Justice and Truth” … and his nationalistic/ racists/ exclusivist views made his war “lesser Blessed” in the Divine Eye; (3) the Unholy Trinity (Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin) was unleashed upon him to make sure he can neither construct a clean case of war nor victory … and to make sure his objectives do end up tainted, wherein he DOES become and offering to Satan/YHWY, the Talmudic God of the Illuminati.
NOTICE … how Putin has [almost] NONE of these weaknesses. (1) He unprogrammed himself from the mind-control from his KGB days (wherein he was already used and spitted out by the elite snakes!); (2) Putin’s Russia is strongly [Orthodox] Christian, and is getting more so by the day, and his War would be far more for God than for race (and would thus be Blessed by God with Victory)! (3) He already KNOWS the ills of this unholy trinity that’s weakened/ bankrupted the West in every way — spiritually, morally, intellectually and [finally] financially!
SO, once again … I’m not siding with the Russia that raped Germany — this is a very different Russia which IS like the Germany of WW2, today! And I’m not another sweeping enthusiast (with usurping inclinations) wanting to liaise with Russia because it’s good for us Muzzies (!?!) … I respect Russia for her higher MORAL GROUND over the [essentially] “Godless, racist, arrogant, Utterly Disrespectful/ Bigoted (towards other nations/ cultures) unapologetic, unrepentant, devious, hypocritical, robbing and stealing West! [If you just reflect on this last sentence alone, with humility, you will realize to what appalling extent the West has been largely INFECTED/ Judaized by the Talmud psychology! ..
And in ANY war, the ones on the Higher Moral Ground will [“eventually”] win! [That’s the Law of Nature God has Ordained/ affixed!] … So, Russia WILL win the WW3. And the Western Nations (NOT counting it’s rare and few Truthers, thinkers, pioneers and dissidents, irrespective of religion/ background) have very little time to get their souls/ lives in line with God and His Way and catch up with Russia [I mean ‘Spiritually’, and not in “infrastructure” and “consumption standards”!] if they want to see the light of the much touted “Second American Revolution”.
My ONLY question (which might’ve sparked your original objection) must now be clarified … … that I was simply wondering that : One would THINK that Germany remembers its history enough (and learnt its lessons enough) to have the brain and heart to be on Russia’s side today … and not on America’s side … America being a vile part of the same Unholy Trinity that bit Germany in the arse and almost crippled her (with unforgettable wounds and ‘trauma’) in WW2 ! It’s disappointing that THAT is not the case.
In a final note [from a humble, optimistic heart] … I still feel encouraged when I see a few men like this gentleman in Germany, whose conscience and courage are still much greater than their typical Zio-Western traits/ mentalities : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp-Wh77wt1o .
@ Dante Ardenz … Also, Germans need to read this stunningly honest masterpiece from Kaminski … and realize what the US has really become (as a psycho-political entity) in the eyes of an awakening world … and then realize just “what” they are teaming up / siding with ….
@ Dante Ardenz … One more point … I do realize that Germans may still view Russians as the Red Army (whereas today’s Red Army may actually be Israel-backed-USA) … and THAT IS the very problem with humans … Stan has orchestrated enough monstrosity throughout history to make sure humans/ nations bear grudges they just can’t get over (just like the Europeans may just not get over the atrocities they received from the Ottoman Empire under the false guise of “Islam”).
We all have to get over … beginning with placing adequate/ due apologies and compensations where it’s due (seems IMPOSSIBLE for the US, right) … and then identify the common enemy, and then fight back to sovereignty. And that’s only possible if every one/ every nation came under the fold of [the One True] God. NOT the Antichrist god of money and of secular NWO; the REAL GOD, Most Loving! 🙂
What’s behind the astonishing rise of an anti-Islam movement in Germany?
The Truth movement appears to be in a nascent form in Germany, looks like it will b one of the first states that will persecute the designated scapegoats.
Off topic:
Disheartened news the TTP mercenaries who have killed CHILDREN in Pakistan.
Zaid Hamid is calling for payback;
correction disheartening news…..:(.
Thank you MJ. It is disheartening. 🙁
MJ … Great Reminders in your posts, a bit of a solace to read after the sad news I saw this morning. May the deceased innocent be in the Mercy from Allah’s Presence. Ameen.
In overall relevant notes … … Here’s a good academic summary (often serves in our didactic defense against ‘the learned ones’!) that officially records the recent Rise of German Imperialism (could I say ‘again’… just like it was in WWII) in all its love of the ‘West’ … http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-rise-of-german-imperialism-and-the-phony-russian-threat/5418498 … … and here’s another one that tells me : this time around, even without another 9/11, they’ve staged enough circus to go all out on Islam soon … http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-role-of-911-in-justifying-torture-and-war-the-criminalization-of-the-us-state-apparatus-senate-report-on-cia-torture-is-a-whitewash/5419222
… And here, overall … it’s God’s Will that Russia will be on the side of Islam (and against the Islamists) *UNTIL* Zionists are wrecked (Hadeeth) … and, yes, Russia WILL annihilate the Western Civilization forever (as a payback for too many ferocities that Russia has /received suffered from them)! … We only hope that the incredibly cunning Illuminati (riding Satan’s ‘reprieve’) doesn’t use Russia’s anger/ actions to still get ‘their’ agenda advanced. And we hope that more and more people recognize that a secular (pro-Imperial) stance won’t buy them any more than a couple years or less (till the nukes fall), wherein the seculars are losing ‘Both Worlds’!
Meanwhile, it would may be a really timely and virtuous deed if the great minds (and hearts) that converge at Ugly Truth could establish a way to identify the Real Taliban apart from the [CIA-manufactured] Fake Taliban that’s out on the prowl, now, on behalf of Zionists.
To Melody”WW2 was not about German Imperialism”. Nor was WW1. Germany had to be wiped our in th efirst over her rivalry with the IMPERIALIST British jewish Empire,and France. In WW2,Hitlers magnificent restoration of the economy,along with his allies Japans ,duringa boycott,and world wide Depression ;by banishing Jewish Finance had to go..Germany was declared war upon by the Jew in 1933,andthey agitated for war,until they got it,withthe Allied Declaration September 3,1939…I get sick,about those who take on the Jews,yet think it clever to use bad Old Anti-German analogies to justify it. SEE:BEN FREEDMAN WARNS AMERICA ABOUT THE JEWS 1961. THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD ,YT. THE NATIONLIST SOLUTION TO MONEY _Real Jew News.Com. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO YT. HITLERS WAR:What Historians Fail To Mention YT… I wish a real German Nationalism would rise,and throw off NATO,and the EU-an Ost Politik.
You are Welcome Lasilenca and Human Melody 1 and Ameen regarding your supplication for the deceased.
@ Dante Ardenz … You got me wrong. I’m not Anti-German at all (just Pro God in everything, really)! Perhaps it’s my fault that I didn’t make my stance clear to all (although I’m sure the folks at Ugly Truth, who’ve been ahead of the game (in decoding Truth) for a while now, understand my stance clearly) … or perhaps you and I only just met, so I need to clarify things to you. [I speak from a rather big picture, so please read this with an open mind.]
[Before I begin, please know that I have been a Targeted Individual (I’m guessing you know what that is) since the late 90’s, which I didn’t realize until much later, when my life was already falling apart thanks to the Secret Society. My introduction to terms like ‘Zionism’, ‘Imperialism’, ‘Covert Harassment’ and ‘Torture’ are from “lived experiences/nightmares”! So, a lot of what I say is not from secondary literature review … it’s from first hand experience wherein ‘they’ revealed ‘their’ true intent and machinations in their persecutions on me! I hate to say this: I find it easy to tell, by now, what and who ‘they’re’ really after!]
I SHUDDERED from the core of my Sense of Justice, Humanity, Heart and Creed/ Deen … when I read this (Hellstorm) : http://www.darkmoon.me/page/3/ . It’s a pity that the Holocaust-brainwashed people don’t see the satanic reversal behind the hoax — that it was, in fact, the Germans and Gentiles that suffered FAR more atrocity than did a few Jews. [Please contrast the typical media lies these days — where typical Westerners are crying over the 3 Israeli lives lost for every 30,000 Palestinian ones! I understand that THOSE Germans knew how wrong such bias feels! However, do also note, in contrast, how the Palestinians are not fighting for any racial or nationalistic dominance/ intent.. it’s pure defence against Satan, and a fight for the freedom that all nations/ colors/ creeds deserve (that’s ‘Islam’).] [Also, I see the Red Army’s characteristics in ISIS, today … if you can see what I mean. The “Cancer” that turned Russia into “USSR” … has now moved out and infected other hosts! I hope you follow.]
The USSR was a heinous entity, in many aspects, no doubt… and some justifiably argue that the USSR is NOT representative of the Russia before it or the Russia today. Please note how you mentioned : (1) Hitler’s magnificent restoration of the economy (out of corruption/ depression that arose from the poison of USURY), (2) Germany had to be wiped out by her British-Jewish rivals, (3)
The Jew declared war upon Germany! … … Do you see how all three are applicable to Putin’s Russia today? … He restored the economy, his British-American-EU-Jewish (a bigger gang-up than that on Germany) are out to vilify him and stall his Russia, and his (although debated) stance against the Illuminati has sparked all tell-tale signs that the Jews have declared war on Russia (THROUGH Western Proxy)! … In other words, the ultra-cunning Serpentines have placed Russia on the same spot (for WW3) where they had put Germany (for WW2). http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/anti-putin-propaganda-not-working/
Further, when I read Excerpts from Mein Kampf : http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/adolf-hitler-excerpts-mein-kampf/ … I could empathize with all of his deliberations (and his rights) except the ones rooted in Racial Superiority. Imagine, if he didn’t have that part in his mission, and fought strictly for the triumph of “Good over Evil” and not “Germany/ German Race over all else” … then he’d go down in history as a true hero. There are a BUNCH of reasons why he couldn’t be a legit hero : (1) he was mind-controlled and satanically possessed (it’s not his fault, I’ll give you that), which indicates that he was raised/ groomed by the Illuminati (which is true for ALL Iluminati puppet leaders around the globe, incl. Obama); (2) his war wasn’t “ONLY for the sake of God, Justice and Truth” … and his nationalistic/ racists/ exclusivist views made his war “lesser Blessed” in the Divine Eye; (3) the Unholy Trinity (Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin) was unleashed upon him to make sure he can neither construct a clean case of war nor victory … and to make sure his objectives do end up tainted, wherein he DOES become and offering to Satan/YHWY, the Talmudic God of the Illuminati.
NOTICE … how Putin has [almost] NONE of these weaknesses. (1) He unprogrammed himself from the mind-control from his KGB days (wherein he was already used and spitted out by the elite snakes!); (2) Putin’s Russia is strongly [Orthodox] Christian, and is getting more so by the day, and his War would be far more for God than for race (and would thus be Blessed by God with Victory)! (3) He already KNOWS the ills of this unholy trinity that’s weakened/ bankrupted the West in every way — spiritually, morally, intellectually and [finally] financially!
SO, once again … I’m not siding with the Russia that raped Germany — this is a very different Russia which IS like the Germany of WW2, today! And I’m not another sweeping enthusiast (with usurping inclinations) wanting to liaise with Russia because it’s good for us Muzzies (!?!) … I respect Russia for her higher MORAL GROUND over the [essentially] “Godless, racist, arrogant, Utterly Disrespectful/ Bigoted (towards other nations/ cultures) unapologetic, unrepentant, devious, hypocritical, robbing and stealing West! [If you just reflect on this last sentence alone, with humility, you will realize to what appalling extent the West has been largely INFECTED/ Judaized by the Talmud psychology! ..
And in ANY war, the ones on the Higher Moral Ground will [“eventually”] win! [That’s the Law of Nature God has Ordained/ affixed!] … So, Russia WILL win the WW3. And the Western Nations (NOT counting it’s rare and few Truthers, thinkers, pioneers and dissidents, irrespective of religion/ background) have very little time to get their souls/ lives in line with God and His Way and catch up with Russia [I mean ‘Spiritually’, and not in “infrastructure” and “consumption standards”!] if they want to see the light of the much touted “Second American Revolution”.
My ONLY question (which might’ve sparked your original objection) must now be clarified … … that I was simply wondering that : One would THINK that Germany remembers its history enough (and learnt its lessons enough) to have the brain and heart to be on Russia’s side today … and not on America’s side … America being a vile part of the same Unholy Trinity that bit Germany in the arse and almost crippled her (with unforgettable wounds and ‘trauma’) in WW2 ! It’s disappointing that THAT is not the case.
In a final note [from a humble, optimistic heart] … I still feel encouraged when I see a few men like this gentleman in Germany, whose conscience and courage are still much greater than their typical Zio-Western traits/ mentalities : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp-Wh77wt1o .
@ Dante Ardenz … Also, Germans need to read this stunningly honest masterpiece from Kaminski … and realize what the US has really become (as a psycho-political entity) in the eyes of an awakening world … and then realize just “what” they are teaming up / siding with ….
@ Dante Ardenz … One more point … I do realize that Germans may still view Russians as the Red Army (whereas today’s Red Army may actually be Israel-backed-USA) … and THAT IS the very problem with humans … Stan has orchestrated enough monstrosity throughout history to make sure humans/ nations bear grudges they just can’t get over (just like the Europeans may just not get over the atrocities they received from the Ottoman Empire under the false guise of “Islam”).
We all have to get over … beginning with placing adequate/ due apologies and compensations where it’s due (seems IMPOSSIBLE for the US, right) … and then identify the common enemy, and then fight back to sovereignty. And that’s only possible if every one/ every nation came under the fold of [the One True] God. NOT the Antichrist god of money and of secular NWO; the REAL GOD, Most Loving! 🙂