Today’s Program–


At the very moment in which Jews around the world congregate to celebrate Passover, wherein one of the ‘plagues’ featured in that silly story destroys the livestock of the Egyptians for Pharaoh having dared get sideways with yahweh’s chosen people, in America, the H5N1 ‘bird flu’ jumps to cattle, sheep and goats, resulting in 20% of the nation’s milk supply testing positive for the deadly pathogenic virus.


All of this an attack by the Jewish state using one of those very same ‘doomsday machines’ cooked up at the IIBR–Israeli Institute for Biological Research’–in order to facilitate a repeat of the chaos caused by Covid 19 during the 2020 election year, or something much, much worse, such as an attack on the food source/supply of the world’s most powerful nation as a means of causing famine and of seeing the US completely destroyed?


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4 thoughts on “TUT Broadcast Apr 30, 2024”
  1. I remember Keith Johnson was another ex-host that also used to debunk the “Sandy-Hookers” on this show. I hope he is doing well.

  2. This observation is absolutely incredible.

    The host posits that Israel is using science to create “Yahweh-like” occurrences and the Mossad blowing things up on certain dates to fool the masses into thinking that these are continuations of Old Testament silly stories.

    Makes a lot of sense, being that the US is filled to the brim with Evangelical Israel worshipers.

    A critical thinking analysis.

    BTW, this war party in charge of Israel is the closest it has ever been to the days when the Sicarii and Zealots caused so much trouble for the Romans, all those years ago.

  3. Didn’t Kissinger himself state that “food is a weapon”? And he also said, the U.S. military are “dumb, stupid animals”. What a combination.

    The Jews will ensure mass starvation because fewer numbers of humans will be easier to put into the bio-digital convergence and ‘smart’ C40 cities.

    Toward the end of the NY Times interview, the sing-songy woman says the scientists are “often surprised by the virus”. I’ll bet. Since when does flu cause the neurological symptoms seen? Well, if other countries won’t import our beef or chickens, that means there’ll be more for the U.S. and the gov’t will have to actually keep some shekels aside for U.S. farmers? (sarc) Remember what Netanyahu said in the Finks bar years ago. I guess The Jews think China will be just as good a sugar daddy as the U.S. gentiles have been….

    As our esteemed editor read from Ostrovsky’s book, I had to laugh out loud about the Israeli doctors on “humanitarian assistance” in Soweto. The late Alan Watt (God rest him) had put me on to this book years ago.

    There are no accidents in geopolitics. We SHOULD all know that by now. And yes, those who are practitioners and masters of “that old black magic” (as is indicated in the Tanakh/Pentatuch) are always busy, while Gentiledom is pacified and controlled by that same black magic. That’s the real plague. Mike Johnson is a mental midget AND as venal as the rest of our NON representatives in Congress. The Jews were able to buy this vote for a paltry amount of just over $500,000 dollars to Johnson, which The Jews will likely claw back at least half for their many NGOs operating in the U.S.. Of course, The Jews probably directly threatened his family, AND the entire U.S. because the U.S. military intel AND the military industrial complex (Lockheed and all the rest) are completely overrun by The Jews who are in full control in those 3-letter agencies and the MIC. Ritter, Larry Johnson, McGovern, Judge Napolitano, and similar people cannot bring themselves to even utter the words, “The Jews,” let alone identify them as the driving force behind all of the control of the money system and therefore all other systems.

    Kudos to our esteemed editor for a great analysis.

  4. I must agree with the previous comments–the best analysis anywhere on the internet.

    But how is it possible that there is only one website, to the best of our knowledge, that deals with this subject in this kind of detailed manner?

    Is everyone else THAT far behind the curve?

    I shudder to think that this is possible, because what it portends is nothing good for the rest of the world.

    Sincere gratitude for whoever the editors are on this website.

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