Tonight’s program–the unregenerate and unrelenting stupidity of the ‘White Nationalist’ neighborhood within the ‘911 Truth’ movement. At a time when Trump has the hounds of hell nipping at his heels over ‘Russiagate’, with a special prosecutor being appointed and a grand jury being impaneled, thousands of ‘truthers’ gather in Charlottesville, Virginia, dressed to the nines in their Nazi regalia, white robes with pointed hats, BDUs and strut around town with AR15s locked and loaded as they chant Nazi slogans for an all-too-eager Jewish mainstream media who utilize the events of that day to put even more pressure on Trump in the drive to see him pack his bags and leave 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Mark this is why I cannot support you anymore. You spread the same slanderous lies as the people you claim to oppose. Thanks for all you did to wake me up and turn me into a White Nationalist tho. I would have never discovered this path if not for you. Good luck. ed note–And just which ‘slanderous lies’ am I spreading? That idiots–such as those pic’d–showed up in their KKK regalia? That idiots were strutting around with AR15s and in full battle dress uniform, locked and loaded? That idiots were decked out in their Nazi regalia, shouting their nazi slogans and all the rest?
Actually, I am grateful NOT to get support from people such as you. You are too stupid for your own good and you’re fucking it up for the rest of us who really do put ourselves in genuine danger in fighting the good fight. If you think that last weekend’s events were anything other than an unmitigated disaster for Gentiledom than you deserve everything that is coming your way.
I will remove you from the list receiving the programs. Go side up with Anglin and make sure to thank him when he drives the final nail into your coffin.
ed note is correct–last weekend’s nuttery in Virginia was a disaster for the movement and a victory for the Jews. Anyone who cannot see this plain fact is either a fool or a liar as Mike Piper was often known to say.
These people will never learn. Kids are brainwashed to believe in the holohoax, the evil “nazi’s” and that Hitler is the most deranged madman the world has ever known, practically from kindergarten and it’s useless to try and convince them otherwise. This only convinces the sheeple that all the things they’ve been told since birth are true. Amazing to me that these people just don’t get it or how this plays into our enemies hands.
ed note–spot on Gary as usual. Try having a rational conversation with these people though and see how far you get, as you already know from persona experience. You simply would not believe how much pissing and moaning there has been from these people who feel like they did nothing wrong down there in Charlottesville and that it was a ‘great victory’ for ‘the movement’ and even in the aftermath of the girl being killed.
Sandy Hookers ‘poisoned the well’ of the truth movement. The events in VA were ‘rigging the well with dynamite’.
Mark this is why I cannot support you anymore. You spread the same slanderous lies as the people you claim to oppose. Thanks for all you did to wake me up and turn me into a White Nationalist tho. I would have never discovered this path if not for you. Good luck.
ed note–And just which ‘slanderous lies’ am I spreading? That idiots–such as those pic’d–showed up in their KKK regalia? That idiots were strutting around with AR15s and in full battle dress uniform, locked and loaded? That idiots were decked out in their Nazi regalia, shouting their nazi slogans and all the rest?
Actually, I am grateful NOT to get support from people such as you. You are too stupid for your own good and you’re fucking it up for the rest of us who really do put ourselves in genuine danger in fighting the good fight. If you think that last weekend’s events were anything other than an unmitigated disaster for Gentiledom than you deserve everything that is coming your way.
I will remove you from the list receiving the programs. Go side up with Anglin and make sure to thank him when he drives the final nail into your coffin.
ed note is correct–last weekend’s nuttery in Virginia was a disaster for the movement and a victory for the Jews. Anyone who cannot see this plain fact is either a fool or a liar as Mike Piper was often known to say.
These people will never learn. Kids are brainwashed to believe in the holohoax, the evil “nazi’s” and that Hitler is the most deranged madman the world has ever known, practically from kindergarten and it’s useless to try and convince them otherwise. This only convinces the sheeple that all the things they’ve been told since birth are true. Amazing to me that these people just don’t get it or how this plays into our enemies hands.
ed note–spot on Gary as usual. Try having a rational conversation with these people though and see how far you get, as you already know from persona experience. You simply would not believe how much pissing and moaning there has been from these people who feel like they did nothing wrong down there in Charlottesville and that it was a ‘great victory’ for ‘the movement’ and even in the aftermath of the girl being killed.
Sandy Hookers ‘poisoned the well’ of the truth movement. The events in VA were ‘rigging the well with dynamite’.