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Today’s program–
POTUS Donald Trump has just announced that in the interests of bringing peace and stability to the Middle East that the US is going to ‘take over Gaza’ and ‘own it’.
This decision obviously flies in the face of what Netanyahu and his fellow Torah terrorists have had in mind viz ‘Greater Israel’, where the followers of Torah Judah-ism are right now out to ‘cash in’ on all the promises, predictions, and prophecies found within their Ju-hadist religion commanding the creation of a Jewish superstate stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.
In the meantime, ‘experts’ from across the Pro-Palestinian spectrum, rather than recognizing the fact that what POTUS DJT is trying to do is to prevent the Torah terrorists of Judea from mass-murdering any more Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians and then stealing their land, are engaging in all the same stupid commentary and analysis that they did during DJT’s first term, this time accusing him of ‘engaging in ethnic cleansing’.
We are joined once again by the invaluable Stas for a conversation that (sad to say) is not likely to be heard anywhere else.
Mark, you said that you believe Trump threatened Netanyahu w/the JFK files, 911 files, etc. That would suggest that Bush, Obama, and other higher-ups know about it as well, yet never used it as leverage. Correct?
ed note–in the words of the Fonz, ‘Correctamundo…’
So, the question that must be asked and answered is ‘why’ previous PsOTUS did not use this in leveraging Israel into a more cooperative position.
The answer, I believe, resides in understanding that even though Israel was the ‘brainchild’ of the assassinations that nevertheless, the Jews made sure that there was enough dirt on the hands of CIA and other high-level USGOV agencies that IF any President decided to go public with Israel’s role in the murder of the Kennedy Bros that ‘poor, lil’ pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow’ Israel could make the claim that she was ‘forced’ into doing it against her will under the threat of losing military assistance on the part of ‘anti-Semites’ in the US Intel agencies and in the WH, or something along those lines.
Furthermore, every POTUS has known that if/when the information of ‘inside’ involvement in the murders is made public, it will result in the near-immediate collapse of the USGOV, as every country in the world will fail to recognize the ‘legitimacy’ of the same USGOV that murdered its own POTUS, just as we have done to various ‘unpopular’ governments that we refused to recognize.
And POTUS DJT knows this as well, but, IMHO, has decided that the risk of the collapse of the USGOV is not as dire as what is coming if he doesn’t do this at this time and that for this reason, he has decided to engage in his own form of the Samson Option at this time.
Thank you Mark and Stas. Brilliant analysis, insight, and commentary, as always. I am discouraged when I see people as intelligent as Mark Dankof and Philip Giraldi bashing President Trump. However, I am encouraged and inspired when I listen to you and Stas. Rest in Peace Michael Collins Piper. God bless you and stay strong.