Today’s program–
–Not as in the silly movie from the 70’s featuring dancing Italians in Brooklyn, but rather the ‘fever’ of Judah-ism that begins anew every Saturday night with the end of ‘Shabbat’, after which time the business of waging war against Gentile civilization starts over.
–The mythical creature from Jewish lore that is used as an instrument of Judaic revenge against the Gentiles and the manner by which today, virtally all Gentile civilization has to some degree been ‘Golemized’ in its thinking so as to best serve the plans which the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, have laid out these last 3,000 years.
Those interested in helping keep this humble little informational endeavor afloat may do so here, and as always, we thank you ahead of time for your generosity.
For whatever reason, we are once again experiencing technical problems loading the program on the TUT server, so you will need to go here to hear it.
GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE per questo prezioso capolavoro (masterpiece)!!!
It must have cost you an inordinate amount of mental and intellectual energy to find all that vital information and to put it all together complete with your in-depth analysis. You must be feeling exhausted… You should take a full week’s rest from your website… Immagino che tu ti senta mentalmente esaurito dopo questo sforzo massacrante.
But please be aware that your effort has born its desired fruits – certainly not only for me.
For me it has meant the welcome epilogue of a week in Hell: the yearly week of ‘memory’ culminating with the ‘day of memory’ – January 27 – during which several countries in Europe are called to commemorate the jooish nakba… with the implied imperative to NEVER mention the ‘disturbing’ name of PALESTINA.
But of course this year, this time, it cost all those hypocrites among politicians and ‘expurts’ and journalists an extra effort to ignore the genocide in Gaza and to leave the name Palestine out of the equation.
You should have witnessed the spectacular exercises of acrobatic genuflections to the joos that we could see and hear in the media during the whole week… You would have felt like me each single moment of each single day – wanting to smash the world to pieces so small that only atoms were left around.
But finally this morning, at dawn, I was blessed with the thoughts expressed in this most important program… and it felt like a vindication for the People of Palestine.
This past week has meant for me a virtual journey in all that has been described – about the process of ‘Babelization’, for instance, so effectively explained in your program.
And then the painful sense of loss of all the positive achievements reached by our western cultures… the arts and sciences and beautiful architectures that will be lost as if mankind had never existed, and that feeling of desolation about everything having been completely useless…
To the editors of this website–I don’t know how to express my gratitude for your precious program, especially for the important part concerning the ‘Golemization’, by which you have brought to full circle the burning issue of the two related aspects that plague our minds and our souls: the jooish question and the Gentile problem.
You have delivered a picture so complete in all it’s parts, that now all our queries and doubts have found an explanation. And THAT is very important. After a week of torment at least I now have the comfort of a deeper understanding.
Grazie dal profondo del mio cuore per tutto il prezioso lavoro che fai per tutti noi e per la causa della Verità. Il nostro Signore Gesù Cristo che è nei Cieli ti sarà per sempre grato. Tu sei sicuramente un uomo benedetto dal Signore.
… Who else could endure the torture of listening for hours and hours to those voices from Hell… Personally I feel ashamed because I would not be able to listen to all that dark material.