Tonight’s program–After 50 years of denial, 50 years of accusations of ‘anti-Shemitism’ and of ‘blood libel’ concerning Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY, she–the Jewish state–finally comes clean and admits that indeed–as her accusers have accused–it was deliberate, that indeed–as her accusers have accused–that she knew it was an American ship and indeed–as her accusers have accused–that it was done with the intention of sinking the ship and killing all 300 servicemen aboard…
The added ‘twist’ to her admission is that she was FORCED to do it beyond her will by an American president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, that she had no choice and found herself in a ‘do or die’ moment…
A ‘coming to Jesus’ moment for the Jewish state?
Twinge of conscience?
Fear of God?
A preparatory step towards introducing a new argument aimed at cutting Trump off at the knees vis a vis his stated desire to impose a peace settlement in the Middle East?
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