Tonight’s program–As the ‘3 Weeks’ comes to a close with the arrival of Tisha b’Av–The ‘saddest’ day within the Judaic calendar year commemorating the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, US President Donald J. Trump is handed a bill sanctioning Russia for her ‘interference’ in the recent US elections, a bill he is forced to sign for fear of being labeled a puppet of Vladimir Putin, but now, having signed it, he has opened himself up for future problems in that he has now basically validated with his own signature the claims being labeled against him by those same organized Jewish forces out to destroy his presidency.
The Jewish mafia is trying to corner President Trump every turn of the corner. He has no choice but to cave in on many issues and unfortunately unless and until he can put the word out into the public that everything crooked and destructive happening in the U.S. is Jew induced in, he can’t come out like Hitler and start speaking openly against them. Hitler had that advantage as Germans were well aware of who was destroying Germany from the inside.
The Jewish mafia is trying to corner President Trump every turn of the corner. He has no choice but to cave in on many issues and unfortunately unless and until he can put the word out into the public that everything crooked and destructive happening in the U.S. is Jew induced in, he can’t come out like Hitler and start speaking openly against them. Hitler had that advantage as Germans were well aware of who was destroying Germany from the inside.