ADL exposes US-based blogs, as well as international media outlets, claiming Jews are waging a war against Islam.
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They’re trying to ride the wave in France, to shutdown any criticism of Israel in America, as they’ve done in France. Won’t work, at least not yet. Notice, though, how all these attacks–Canada, Australia, France–seem, at least in my view, to be building up to something more horrendous in the USA. If my intuition is correction, it’s almost as if they’re carefully working their way to another big plot point, bigger than 911.
Last sentence; ONLY 74% are “anti-Semitic”??? The Jews should consider that a victory! LOL!
From the article;
“..conspiracy theories promoted by ……………media outlets primarily in the Arab world.”
Well, yeah. That is why the west is fighting endless wars for Israel against the Middle East. The Muslim/Arab world is not totally defeated yet.
HAHAHA! Priceless.
Hint Hint… “It’s not us, it’s you”. Over 100 expulsions from over 80 nations… get a clue Nimrod Wolfman.
ed note–not only that, what they fail to mention is that Netnayahu’s quote was not made up, but rather the real deal, where he characterized the deaths of 3,000 Americans on 911 as ‘good’ in that it would generate ‘immediate sympathy for israel’
Suggesting alternate theories should not be considered anti-Semitic. It is merely an attempt to see a differenent perspective from outside the box which we are all being herded into.
“Al-Quaeda in Yemen” comes out with statements claiming to have ordered the Paris attacks, which is complete rubbish — they’re just going along with the plan, and trying to take credit for the successful revenge attack — Just as Jabbe Foxman’s gangsters deny any involvement, and point at TuT, and various other sources, for floating theories that make Al-Quaeda seem credible.
Look, and they linked it to Boston, Sandy Hook, and all the crap zio-America/NATO/GCC are doing.
You might be cheering now, but this is actually bad news, like Cheerio GM-Os.
Maybe Al-QuADL did it. (sic)
“….It will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.”
Natanyahu’s words bear out Mark Glenn’s supposed vicious conspiracy theorist remarks.
The well-known Israeli false flag operations:
1) Lavon Affair, summer of 1954.
2) USS Liberty, June 8, 1967.
3) 9-11, September 11, 2001. “Israel did 9-11, all the proof in the world – Dr. Alan Sabrosky”
Gosh they have not been reading around too much obviously and only going for the “fun” targets. Read the work of Thierry Meyssan or Maurice Pinay or Tony Cartalucci or so many others on these events and … well, the folks at YNET just dislike the fact that we here at TUT not only expose but take a rather rude (by their double standards) laugh at their hypocrisy.
I have been watching this whole mess unfold, trying to avoid the obvious drama and media manipulation but it seems that the best attitude to take is a knowledgeable “wait and see” although the outcome, not for France only but all of Europe, is pretty obvious.
Scare the bejeebers out of everyone. Scare the less established Jews away (holy pre-War WW2 German, Robin!) or eventually use them as political bait (?) eventually tossed into camps and then the whole event blown up into the hollowco$t industry….. er religion and political ground base for any number of evils including the establishment of Israel.
Meanwhile, boys and girls, especially you, Mr. MG:
“If you have nor been slanderd by the Jews,than you have not done a good days work”. Adolf Hitler.
The Ugly Truth,is now offically on the map,and I am glad the enemy of all people is watching ! They will see excellent edirorials,and insightful commentators. People who are not stupid haters,but smart,direct,and honorable. They will be doubly disapointed not to read false flags,and Kosher Approved’Conspiracy Theory,’ nonsense,the Jews push out via ;Alex Jones ,David Ike,and Jim Marrs… we are the real deal here ADL.. your dumb’Goyim’, stooges,not allowed.
Congratulations to MG and TUT! … Satan’s hatred/ denouncement equals God’s Love/ approval.
The “unspeak” of the up-side-down world of JWO gives it all away! … The Eternally Virulent calls MG virulent (?!) … The defender of Jesus (the original Semite) is labeled anti-Semitic … Truth and common sense are called conspiracy theories … ADL’s McFaggot Foxman’s wailing is “loaded” with keywords [‘surfaced’, ‘absurd’, ‘predictable’, ‘unthinkable tragedy’, ‘mainstream’, ‘ugly hateful rhetoric’] …
It seems as if the definitive statements on “the virulence of Jews” really hurt the Liar(s). Or was MG’s prediction on the plausible assassination of Netanyahu too wail-inducingly true? [Was that the last straw that forced the Elders to go on Ynetnews?] … More questions: Is Foxman frothing extra lies to extend his ‘utility’ now … and does that mean his Karbanot/ sacrifice is coming soon too? … Was pseudo/ RIP-Sayeed sent by ADL and its overlords too? …
[The questions continue… And meanwhile, for Jews surveilling TUT, here’s another wail-inducing offense of Truth … ]
Congrats again. I can’t help but commemorate this moment, again …
How wonderful!
The jews are feeling the heat on their back.
Just search in your computer: THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (full) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock 1936 – 2006.
Hey, Isaac, we cut our teeth on that excellent book, now out in an updated version btw. Possibly one of the reasons TUTopians are so fierce.
A rude salute to the propaganda arm of oppression.
virulently anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist?? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE !