Amid rising tensions over alleged Syrian preparations for chemical attack, three of the U.S.’s most important spy planes were spotted snooping off Syria’s coast
ed note–before everyone starts jumping to pre-mature conclusions all based upon the ‘TRUMP IS OUT TO START WWIII FOR ISRAEL’S BENEFIT’ as will undoubtedly take place from all the usual characters, keep open the other possibility, which is that those spy planes are there to keep an eye on Israel and to prevent her from such as blowing something up and blaming it on either Syria, Iran, or Russia in order to get that same Armageddon started that she is just itching to see materialize. In fact, in light of this latest development, the question that needs to be asked is whether the whole reason for the WH coming out with its ‘warning’ to Assad concerning the use of chemical weapons was the cover story for bringing the spy planes into the region to keep an eye on Judea, Inc.
“At the same time, chemical weapons activity was taking place at the Syrian Shayrat air base, the Pentagon said, noting that the base was where the Assad regime’s last chemical attack originated.”
As far as the jew scum are concerned, the CW claim is true. They like it. It’d be nice for Israel if a few sailors get whacked by “Palestinian terrorists” while on liberty…this time shot, while the Arab-looking “terrorists” escape, necessitating an intensive “search”, which would turn the Palestinian areas upside-down.
MG, your analysis on the possibility that the spy planes are keeping tabs on Israel seems far-fetched at this point. It’s possible Trump has been broken to a NeoCon agenda. But you could be right; it’d be nice if he could bust the Israelis for something. Then he’d be free.
ed note–If indeed it is Trump’s goal to prevent WWIII from taking place, and yes, as much as my saying so will result in all the typical irrational screeching that is now the daily fare in ‘duh muuvmnt’, nevertheless, I’ll say it–Trump does not want to see or oversee WWIII and is out to prevent it and therefore the spy planes are there to watch Israel, not Syria.
Keep in mind that the US–pockmarked as it was at the time with traitors when the USS LIBERTY was being attacked, nevertheless had spy planes in the area monitoring Israel, which is how we know that the pilots knew the LIBERTY was American. Yes, America listens in on everything and everyone, including Israel.
As I read your commentary about the possibility of Trump signaling Israel, not Syria, about chemical weapons I had a flashback about the jueden terrorist being arrested in Israel for phoning in fake threats to sinagogues in the US.
I think you’re right about who that message was really intended for.
Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara were war criminals and traitorous scum.