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2 thoughts on “U.S. ‘excessive force’ comment touches nerve in Israel”
  1. Hmmm

    Nutenyahoo demands the world except the gross injustice that every “stabbing” of a Jewish illegal alien in Palestine, no matter what crimes they may have been committing, deserves 10 Palestinian deaths. For every Jewish illegal alien injured, 50 Palestinians must be hurt. And of course for having the audacity to object to the illegal occupation, destruction of their homes, theft of their lands, death, imprisonment or expulsion of their friends and loved ones, mass punishment is the order of the day for all the rest of the Palestinians.

    Israel’s actions demand immediate military action and the removal of Nutenyahoo before 10’s of thousands more die and hundreds of thousands more are forced out of Palestine all together. After all, this behavior and these crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and apartheid are among the primary justifications given to the American people for direct US military intervention in half a dozen Middle Eastern countries.

    Not to put to fine a point on it, but the only difference between the crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and Apartheid in those countries and Israel is that that the Israelis responsible are Jewish. At this point in time the United States and NutenYahoo are still trying to get the world to swallow that there is a special exemption for Jewish criminals and terrorists. It cannot be allowed to continue. Direct military intervention against Israel to protect well over a million innocent Palestinian women and children and common decency demand it.

  2. Many countries are ready to punish Israel for all the monstrous crimes they have committed against the Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese etc. but as long as the US backs up and defend those illegal aliens in Palestine there will be no justice. Something is going to happen soon and we don’t know from where but Israel will burn in hell.

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