It may actually be true that all the actions which took place until today will lead to a new world war: WWIII.  A great conflict has been taking place during the past few months whether we like it or not. Both the American and the Russian government continue to act against one another.  For starters, the dispute regarding the South China Sea is one of these causes. After all, the U.S is the one who ended more damaged.

Is the War Near Because of China’s Connections?

Overall, China was denied of its claim over the South China Sea, and all its actions on islets were invalid. One thing leads to the other.

The U.S was now prepared. Navigation towards the so-called Freedom of Navigation principle (FON) was on its way.

Of course, this angered China. In August, the Defense Minister of China warned his people to prepare for the war at sea. Chang Wanquan announced this while thinking about the U.S’s plan involving FON.

Since then, China has promised not to fail in protecting its domination over the South China Sea. Even more, they believed China had as many rights as the U.S to set a defense perimeter over the sea.

Furthermore, the Chinese advanced even more while arranging military drills and testing of nuclear weapons with Russia. The U.S. did, in fact, had confirmation of this.

It appears they did do a test on a very powerful weapon called the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. Being capable of striking on any given spot in the world, this was, in fact, considered dangerous.

The second cause would be the issue of the war in Syria. Yet again, the U.S. appears to be having a never-ending quarrel with Russia. On behalf of the Syrian government, Russia has gone as far as interfering. On the other hand, American approached a different strategy.

Seeing as how they were locked out, the U.S. made another move that could possibly lead to war. After arming rebel groups within the country, the U.S.’s main aim was that of destroying the Syrian government.

Unfortunately for the U.S, the war did turn in favor of Syria. Apparently, the help provided by Russia to the government of Syria made drastic changes to the entire event.

Creating Tensions

Right at this moment, tensions among Russia and the United States continue to grow. It’s been a while since so much tension surrounded the country, more precisely since the Cold War era.

The situation in Syria continues to bring confusion even among Obama’s administration.

© Devastation in Syria

An announcement was made once Russia began to intensify its military operations on the 22nd of September. This truly meant war. Also, the U.S officially announced to have put a stop to its communication with Russia. Now, Russia’s aim was the capturing of Aleppo city.

Any sign of diplomacy with one another had failed. As the operation on Aleppo continued, Russia warned the U.S. America was not allowed to take action against the Syrian government.

In fact, such war circumstances were true. Stationed in Syria, Russian jet fighters were ready to shoot at site any U.S. plane who dared to open fire on Syrian forces.

John Kerry, Secretary of State did urge Obama to take actions. According to him, the U.S. should have faced the consequences brought by Russia. Furthermore, he is said to have proffered a nuclear approach towards Russia.

Nuclear War Started

But, Russia was already aware of their plans. Based on Russian Defence Ministry TV channel Zvezda, Russia was already preparing its people for a nuclear war against the U.S. Since then, they have deployed missiles. The nuclear fire did overtake the western regions of Kaliningrad.

The situation reached a critical level. For this reason, American officials did begin to speak. Most of them admitted that the war between nations is ” almost guaranteed

Even the Pentagon went as far as saying that WW III is near. Even more, they stated that it will bring a lot of chaos and destruction.

“A conventional conflict in the near future will be extremely lethal and fast, and we will not own the stopwatch.”

Many discussions are currently focusing on the Russian and Chinese armies. According to General Hix, they are evolving like never before and have managed to reach a very high level of technology. Needless to say, America might as well be facing something similar to what happened since the war in Korea.

Lt Gen Joseph Anderson and Chief of Staff, Gen Mark A. Milley also seem to believe that the war among states is a sure call.

With every passing second, it appears the U.S. manages to obtain more and more enemies. Not only the ones they come across in real life battles, but also virtual ones.

What has this world come to? Are wars the actual solution to our problems? It there an outcome where we can avoid a war on our hands? Time will tell, especially actions.



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