Uruguay’s President Jose Mujica looks up during a press conference at the workers union PIT-CNT in Montevideo, Uruguay, Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014. Mujica says the United States has guaranteed that six former Guantanamo Bay prisoners who arrived in Uruguay as refugees are not terrorists. The six men are free and staying at a Montevideo house as guests of a major labor union.
REUTERS: “Obama promised to shut down Guantanamo when he took office nearly six years ago…but he has been unable to do so, partly because of obstacles posed by the U.S. Congress.”
Nice huh? When Obama doesn’t want to do something nice, he blames it on Congress. When the Congress doesn’t want to do something nice, they blame it on Obama. The reality is that they are all in alignment, but they use each other as excuses.
REUTERS: “Guantanamo’s detainee population …”
See? US torture dungeons do not have prisoners. They have “detainees.” (Israeli torture dungeons have “terrorists.”)
REUTERS: “The four Afghans were cleared for transfer long ago…”
ALL of the victims in Guantanamo were cleared long ago.
REUTERS: “The release comes at a time when most U.S. troops are due to leave Afghanistan by year-end …”
The troops have been “due to leave by year end” for the last 13 years. The USA will never leave Afghanistan. The heroin production is too lucrative.
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@Konrad: I agree USA has no intention of leaving Afghanistan or any country for that matter. The imperialist are jews, parasites every where. Positioned everywhere. It’s all game of ‘Risk’ to them. Who will rule the world in the end. All ‘allies’ playing the imperialist game will at one point end up fighting against each other. There can only be one winner in every game and with every game the winner will end up be a loser as well. I already know…. 🙂
they were sent there to be used later….bush owns 200,000 acres in uruguay
They will God willing leave. Perhaps especially when Pakistan stops helping the US.
I wish one day the American people would wake up and see the crimes that their government has committed around the world with tax-payers money….
As long as Washington is controlled by these diabolical Jewish cabal, the US government (Zionist Gangsters) will keep committing crimes around the whole world.
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