Above photo: Zionist Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, posing with IDF thugs
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Above photo: Zionist Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, posing with IDF thugs
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Donald Trump
needs to get his votes ……………
Don’t know much about Mike Pence. Among the three Donald Trump’s VP candidates, Gov. Chris Christie is the least favorite of GOP Neo-Cons warmongers.
I remember on Feb. 26, 2016 when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump, it sent a shock wave thru GOP establishment. Immediately afterwards, six New Jersey hometown newspapers called for Christie to resign. In my humble opinion, Christie is the least favorite, the least warmongering, so he the least evil among those three.
Trump is considering pig bile for VP. Gingrich?? Really??? Why do the Jews hate Trump? Seems like he’s a real Jew lover. I’m pretty sure his Administration would look like a Yeshiva list. I never trusted him and I still don’t. I’d still prefer him to Hillary though, even if there’s little daylight between the two. All I care about at the moment is ending wars for Israel and avoiding WW3, but I’m far from convinced Trump will do anything to negatively affect the Military/Industrial/Judaic complex.
All I can hope for is a pleasant surprise. I expect nothing. Remember Obama & “Hope”? LOL! How’d that work out? Controlling the jews is like trying to hold mercury in your hand.
How ’bout a book entitled; “When the jews took over the USA”? 16 chapters & 1400 pages.
Pence I knew was a Zionist traitor from the start.