
J-POST – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to London at the beginning of November to take part in events marking the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. 

This will be Netanyahu’s second visit to Britain in a year after his meeting there with British Prime Minister Theresa May in February. During that meeting, the British prime minister invited Netanyahu to take part in events marking the centennial of the Balfour Declaration.

Though the itinerary of the visit has not yet been announced, Netanyahu is expected to meet with May and other senior British officials during the trip. He is tentatively set to leave on Wednesday, November 1, and return to Israel on Sunday, November 5.

May has steadfastly rejected Palestinian demands that Britain apologize for the Balfour Declaration – the seminal document issued on November 2, 1917, that helped pave the way for the establishment of Israel – saying last month the declaration was “one of the most important letters in history.”

Writing in September in a magazine published by the Conservative Friends of Israel, May wrote that the anniversary would be noted with “pride.”

In April, the British Foreign Office said it had no intention of apologizing for the document. “We are proud of our role in creating the State of Israel,” it said in a statement. “The task now is to encourage moves toward peace.”

The Balfour Declaration was a letter sent by then-British foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild, a leader in the British Jewish community.

It stated: “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

While not apologizing, the Foreign Office statement did add that the document “should have called for the protection of political rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine, particularly their right to self-determination.”

Numerous events in London, both pro and con, are scheduled in the coming days to mark the declaration’s centennial.

Meanwhile, The Jewish Chronicle reported Friday that Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn turned down an invitation to attend a dinner commemorating the document’s 100th anniversary.

The next day, Hamas posted a link to the article on Twitter and wrote, “Corbyn says no to dinner on celebrating the Balfour 100 in UK. UK should apologize and compensate Palestinians.”

6 thoughts on “UK – Bibi Netanyahu To Visit London Next Week For Balfour Declaration Centennial”
  1. The entire concept of Balfour Day is bitter enough; Bibi’s attendance and all of this horrid hullabaloo over this entire criminal action are nauseating. These people are laying their black-booted Noahide Laws upon the Western world at breakneck speed trying to shut down all opposition to their master/slave totalitarianism.
    Guess it is time for us to start blatantly reminding the world of what really transpired historically when it comes to Palestine. Time to dig into our files and republish the historical truths that lie there. Time to do some new work on Palestine and what it represents for all of us; Palestine and the resilience of the people, not the politics they suffer under from all sides of the board. Time to showcase what was stolen from these people in terms of land and culture.
    Then we point the finger at those who kill beauty with cement, bombs, murder and rape at every turn. We show this is communism on a minuscule scale; what is intended for all of us when combined with the horrors of Sweden, France, South Afrika, Myanmar, Venezuela, etc .It goes everywhere these folks covet; and they covet everything.
    Always we must ask, “Cui bono?” having made sure our readers/whatever cannot avoiding to draw the correct conclusion of who committed the original crimes and how today Israel is but their personal playground to advance their agenda of international domination and the creation of Pax Judaica.

  2. Great comment, Noor! Re “reminding,” on this coming weekend I’m to participate in a public access TV filming that might run to 1.5 hours. We have a moderator, another activist and me who will present and then comment on two recent (2016?) Abby Martin/Empire Files presentations, each ~25 minutes, on Palestine: one a historical overview — extremely good but it doesn’t mention Balfour; an omission I’ll rectify — the other on the sadistic Zionist settler-colonists’ depredations against the hapless Palestinians. I’d like to hope we’ll wind up with a good effort, but, at 74, I’m not sure I can handle myself with any of the focus and passion needed….

  3. Kolo, please explain. Abby Martin isn’t perfect (I recall her wrongful take on the Crimea that put her at odds with RT…), but there aren’t many better than her out there who display her activism and passion. Really: please explain why you consider her “a useful idiot.” I’m always (I hope) amenable to new ideas and education.

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